I was able to negotiate base of @120K, Bonus up to $45K, upgrade to manager car, $15K signing bonus, and 4 weeks vacation. Hope this helps in your negotiations!

Ha...this guy is pulling your leg. And how do I know? My wife works in TA--she knows exactly who was hired and at what salaries, etc. She even laughed at this post!

Yeah, my buddy got one of these positions. Didn't even go through the interview process, his manager in Hep was moved into a mgmt role and promised him a position. Pretty lucrative from what it looks like. Funny thing--my buddy is the biggest homophobe, not sure how he'll do. Sometimes I wonder what Gilead is really thinking.

Can you please explain how you negotiated this package? Based on "X" years of experience... Prior vacation allotment at previous company... Car upgrade? What do you bring to the table that justified these additional perks? Thanks in advance.[/QUOTE
5 years in HIV sales, Top Performer in our Region, MBA, and ability to relocate to territory // Just stick to comp position and they will bend - - - good luck!

This is really funny. A few points to clarify for you trolls:
-no such thing as upgrading to a manager car
-salary range depends on where you are coming in at
-Gilead is one of the top payers so if you earn it, you will get it
...most importantly, be patient! No one worth looking at is on Cafe Pharma as their resource for real info.

Be patient, be professional.

This is really funny. A few points to clarify for you trolls:
-no such thing as upgrading to a manager car
-salary range depends on where you are coming in at
-Gilead is one of the top payers so if you earn it, you will get it
...most importantly, be patient! No one worth looking at is on Cafe Pharma as their resource for real info.

Be patient, be professional.

So, if you are already in biotech (rare disease just not HIV) and you have a salary of 145k already would you get a raise or start where you are with no pay increase and maybe a sign-on bonus? What is vacation time starting out and how long before you get more? That's my biggest concern...not as much as pay, but having time off in this business.

Don't know if you would get a bump
In salary but vacation is 3 weeks and you get a 4th week after 5 years .. 401k is sweet . They deposit 10k every year no matter how much you contribute