Prediction on Aria sales

Once the RA reps look at the Q3 scorecards that were just loaded they will all realize that Aria cut the bonus payouts in half. You have to be in the top 2% to get the target payout. Once again, a top performing RA rep makes about as much as the average GI rep.

Once the RA reps look at the Q3 scorecards that were just loaded they will all realize that Aria cut the bonus payouts in half. You have to be in the top 2% to get the target payout. Once again, a top performing RA rep makes about as much as the average GI rep.

News flash. Rheumatology has the Remicade sales volume. Kill that franchise and watch the money dry up and lay-offs come in hyper speed. Cut the Rheumatology bonus pay like this nonsense and the same results just a bit slower. The new leadership wanted to show how they could get more in sales by paying less. JnJ is the new Walmart only with high prices and crap service.

This is forcing me to..........not work. Thanks sales leadership for making me PTA Mom of the year!!!!

You're welcome! At the POA I next year, we're looking for great ideas for businesses that you use to take up the time when you're not working this job. The top reps in most franchises have them. In one franchise the RBD has heavily invested in a group of his reps business. The return on that investment: The reps are told to work harder on their side business in order to provide a nice profit on the RBD's investment. Love it!!!!

Logic would say we want our reps to have a positive first experience with Aria just like you want our doctors and patients to have a positive first experience with it. I think the sales force would have been more motivated to sell aria if you just left the SICP alone for the second half of the year and just made Aria a sales contest of some kind. A mediocre sales contest would have paid more money and been more motivating than this situation Paul and Marty created.

Rob wake up!! They are killing the morale here.

Unless you want people to leave. Derm is on year 2+ of rotten bonus. Rheum is just starting the toilet swirl. Academics are aren't being starved out. Just eliminated. GI is being spared because they are mostly useless and it is part of the Obamacare nightmare of taking care of those that can't do...anything.
The place is now a joke so sit back and take a good giggle in. Learn to live on your base and not give a damn what the clueless leaders burp from their bellies. They are making the place a joke so have a good laugh as the parade of clowns clicks into high gear.

Logic would say we want our reps to have a positive first experience with Aria just like you want our doctors and patients to have a positive first experience with it. I think the sales force would have been more motivated to sell aria if you just left the SICP alone for the second half of the year and just made Aria a sales contest of some kind. A mediocre sales contest would have paid more money and been more motivating than this situation Paul and Marty created.

Rob wake up!! They are killing the morale here.

Enjoy your Launch meeting guys. It is going to be full of people evaluating who stays and who goes. Wait until you hear some of the lies they are cooking up for you. Wait til they tell you how easy a sell this is. Wait til they tell you how bad sales are because you all suck and are going to be replaced. Wait til they tell you your "Bone-us" is going to be very light while theirs will be heavier than ever. Wait til they ask for your loyalty and will give you none. Just wait, I am sure it will be nothing but fun right? I always enjoy paying for the mistakes made at the top, year after year.

Unless you want people to leave. Derm is on year 2+ of rotten bonus. Rheum is just starting the toilet swirl. Academics are aren't being starved out. Just eliminated. GI is being spared because they are mostly useless and it is part of the Obamacare nightmare of taking care of those that can't do...anything.
The place is now a joke so sit back and take a good giggle in. Learn to live on your base and not give a damn what the clueless leaders burp from their bellies. They are making the place a joke so have a good laugh as the parade of clowns clicks into high gear.

My abm has been consulted as to what they are going to do with the academic team and he told us that 90 percent of them are being terminated in the next few months. The rheumatology team will be after that. They are coming up with a plan to eliminate any severance they would have to provide to save the company money and have to be careful about it. You might think it's a joke but the company is working hard to save the jobs of people like you and me who have long careers in front of us. The other reps had their chance and blew it. Besides, they made a lot of money doing basically nothing so I can't feel sorry for them.

My abm has been consulted as to what they are going to do with the academic team and he told us that 90 percent of them are being terminated in the next few months. The rheumatology team will be after that. They are coming up with a plan to eliminate any severance they would have to provide to save the company money and have to be careful about it. You might think it's a joke but the company is working hard to save the jobs of people like you and me who have long careers in front of us. The other reps had their chance and blew it. Besides, they made a lot of money doing basically nothing so I can't feel sorry for them.

I know who your abm is and he is an idiot for telling his team all this. But that's what happens with unchecked arrogance. YOur abm is famous for having his reps sell on the spread and thinks that sticking his head up leadership's butts protects him. The fact that he can pull this off temporarily will lead to his downfall.

My abm has been consulted as to what they are going to do with the academic team and he told us that 90 percent of them are being terminated in the next few months. The rheumatology team will be after that. They are coming up with a plan to eliminate any severance they would have to provide to save the company money and have to be careful about it. You might think it's a joke but the company is working hard to save the jobs of people like you and me who have long careers in front of us. The other reps had their chance and blew it. Besides, they made a lot of money doing basically nothing so I can't feel sorry for them.

Oh suck it! You've been saying this for at least 5 years. Now that they are getting rid of old timers you are back with amazing predictions? Duh! A blind man can see what's going on as this ship is navigated into the rocks. Don't kid yourself. Long careers are not part of the One Janssen vision. Neither is retention of top reps. Keep servicing your abm, it's your true talent.

I swear, no spam or viruses here, just a great clip of what could be us sitting with one of our dunce abms or rbds.

WARNING. This is from JBI Management. When you click on the link at youtube it will show that you visited the page (view). One sneaky way for theses losers to continue to follow your every move. "" WHO STOLE MY STRAWBERRIES"" just a little paranoid in the land of bosses.

WARNING. This is from JBI Management. When you click on the link at youtube it will show that you visited the page (view). One sneaky way for theses losers to continue to follow your every move. "" WHO STOLE MY STRAWBERRIES"" just a little paranoid in the land of bosses.

This is true. My abm told me they already have a bunch of names and are building cases against them.

Just kidding! The martians snuck up the flower's bark.