Precedex and ACC

With the pre-mix debacle, it's obvious we're done. Piss-poor management from Moore on down; all should be replaced. Ball will soon see the smoke and mirrors. We're fast becoming a company/division with no products available when they're needed most.
Got my bonus and my 10 K and I'm out of here.
Again, the best of luck to all that stay; I hope...truly...that things do get better for you.

Totally agree-they planned this launch for how long?? Totally Botched.

Totally agree-they planned this launch for how long?? Totally Botched.

No, No,No. It was such a rousing success that we ran out of product!

Where did all those NBVR forms that they revised 5 times and hounded us to submit go?

What does J&J do all day but be so excited about everything?

Where is DB? Reading green sheets and finding ways to keep our bonuses low?
Can't wait to see what they do with dyloject.

Kelly? Who? Too busy with good ole boy Tom Moore and his biosimilars.

Prededex premix was our savior until we can find something else to keep us viable, now we're just another alligator in Mike Ball's swamp.

Folks, we're heading for the last roundup. Sandoz is going to eat our lunch very soon. I envy the poster who was fortunate enough to find another position because we are screwed!

I agree. The loyalty bonus isn't worth waiting for and I don' see us recovering from this failure.
The lack of proactive damage control is scarey; a sign of the true incompetence of our management team. All they care about are their own asses.....which should be kicked.

All they can say is "go and create demand"-Are you serious?? Create demand for something you cannot supply!! What a joke. I've seen many launches and you only get one chance to do it right and we missed that opportunity.

All they can say is "go and create demand"-Are you serious?? Create demand for something you cannot supply!! What a joke. I've seen many launches and you only get one chance to do it right and we missed that opportunity.

And don't forget to tell your accounts to stock up on 2ml for the holiday weekend. Are you shitting me??? The marketing geniuses and our illustrious dynamic duo of KG an DB are running scared and minimizing communication so Mike won't know the difference. The shit will hit the fan sooner vs.later. Get your resumes dusted off and updated.

All they can say is "go and create demand"-Are you serious?? Create demand for something you cannot supply!! What a joke. I've seen many launches and you only get one chance to do it right and we missed that opportunity.

On a large enough time line, the survival rate for all companies will drop to zero.

And your point is????? You are full of shit. Well-managed companies will survive, poorly managed companies will fail. Where do you think Hospira fits in?

Where do I think Hospira fits in?

You get a job in ACC. You tell yourself, this is the last job I will ever need in my life. You've got the job, then for a couple of years you're satisfied that no matter what goes wrong, at least you've got your job issue handled. Then the car. The bonus. The vacation house. Then you're trapped and the things you used to own, now they own you.

Well at least that swell Customer Care message will smooth things over.

"Hospira is staging conversions. See, we staged it. We planned it all along. Your ACCS said what? That you'd be able to get it? They asked about how to get it in the Pyxis? Huh. We'll we are staging the conversion and you might have to wait until September. Yeah, maybe you should get a hold of that rep and ask them where discount is now. I hope you didn't forecast that price drop in the budget. You know those reps and their bonuses, they'll say anything. Oh, your rep has more paperwork for you."

Great Town Hall call on Friday! Very optimistic outlook from all. The BS is really starting to smell bad. Won't be long and this ride will be over. Thanks Kelly, Dennis, and Jay; you've been great leaders all the the toilet.

Well at least that swell Customer Care message will smooth things over.

"Hospira is staging conversions. See, we staged it. We planned it all along. Your ACCS said what? That you'd be able to get it? They asked about how to get it in the Pyxis? Huh. We'll we are staging the conversion and you might have to wait until September. Yeah, maybe you should get a hold of that rep and ask them where discount is now. I hope you didn't forecast that price drop in the budget. You know those reps and their bonuses, they'll say anything. Oh, your rep has more paperwork for you."

Don't blame for your mistake!! Tell all your accounts the situation at hand even if it's a small account.