Praluent is Fine

Hey, great news! I'll be the first one to agree Regeneron employs a bunch of arrogant, incompetent, hubris ridden morons in leadership.

In this case, we delivered in keeping Praluent on the market for an additional 12-18 more months.

At least it buys time to reallocate our sales force.

Good job Regeneron/Sanofi!
Do you understand what a profit and loss account is? Only Eylea keeps this busted flush afloat.

Do you understand what a profit and loss account is? Only Eylea keeps this busted flush afloat.

This thread is about Praluent. P/L and Eylea belong in another topic. Winning the Praluent injunction appeal buys REGN more time to defend against AMGN and will rack up tremendous legal bills. The outcomes remain the same. Either injunction in 12-18 months or heavy royalties from date of marketing.

Praluent will continue to struggle with health subscribers anyway. So this is short win with heavy legal costs at best. It provides time to reallocate resources.

This is luckily just giving people more time to look for a job. Will the heavy losses in market share, there will be cuts. When they see how high of a royalty there will be, there will be cuts. In about a year it will be a skeleton crew promoting Praluent.

This thread is about Praluent. P/L and Eylea belong in another topic. Winning the Praluent injunction appeal buys REGN more time to defend against AMGN and will rack up tremendous legal bills. The outcomes remain the same. Either injunction in 12-18 months or heavy royalties from date of marketing.

Praluent will continue to struggle with health subscribers anyway. So this is short win with heavy legal costs at best. It provides time to reallocate resources.
So your saying we have a chance?
Sounds like we are kicking the can down the road. Future of Praluent is uncertain? Docs love uncertainty. Start a patient on a life long therapy with a product that might not be around next year. Sounds right to me.

So your saying we have a chance?
Sounds like we are kicking the can down the road. Future of Praluent is uncertain? Docs love uncertainty. Start a patient on a life long therapy with a product that might not be around next year. Sounds right to me.

Look around. Kicking the can down the road proves to be Regeneron's specialty. We can't do anything right - other than deflect, deny, delay, defer...

It's an option that gives our leadership some time to deflect, deny, delay, defer some more. Fortunately, it also gives our CV reps time to defect.

Did you hear the earnings this morning? Len played the same game. Our numbers sucked, I mean SUCKED %==)....

Then Len started talking about Dupi. Another delay/defer tactic. So, Derm Sales folks - LOOK OUT!

I understand the tactic, but guess what, Wall St. and day traders just want their ROI.

Bottom line - Dupi better deliver!

Look around. Kicking the can down the road proves to be Regeneron's specialty. We can't do anything right - other than deflect, deny, delay, defer...

It's an option that gives our leadership some time to deflect, deny, delay, defer some more. Fortunately, it also gives our CV reps time to defect.

Did you hear the earnings this morning? Len played the same game. Our numbers sucked, I mean SUCKED %==)....

Then Len started talking about Dupi. Another delay/defer tactic. So, Derm Sales folks - LOOK OUT!

I understand the tactic, but guess what, Wall St. and day traders just want their ROI.

Bottom line - Dupi better deliver!
Same old story only Eylea sales, even they are stalling, the ratio of revenue to expenses deteriorates, still amassing greater expenditure in research, manufacturing and sales in the expectation of serial failure. Eylea was a very lucky fluke, everything subsequently has highlighted the yawning capability gaps in Regeneron's lousy, incompetent leadership. Delusions of grandeur being lived out at Sanofi's expense. A marriage of two failed companies.

so where are all you dick faces who thought the end was here? Maybe not so quick, eh? You fucking know-it-alls! You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground

Praluent just received more time through $$ Millions in legal fees. It's still gone ... just a matter of time. Think.

What is the prescription rate for Praluent vs. Rapatha?

Even with best case scenario, what % royalty works for Amgen? 15% or more?

Praluent unfortunately, never Started, and that's the truth. So to your point, it really can't be gone.