Possible hire- be nice

I am going to give you an honest answer and I have heard the two states with the most terrible access is Minnesota and Wisconsin. If you do take the job, more than half the battle will you being trying to get access to the doctors every week with no luck... For a bad access area you might get to see 10-12 docs in a week and possibly out of those, have 2-3 calls of actually selling before they walk away or say they have something else they need to do. You could be really good at sales and relationships and do alot better but I am just throwing some numbers out that is realistic. Like with any job, a manager can make your life good or make it a living hell. Some RD's call their reps every day and want detail, some leave you alone for long periods of time and let you do your thing. When an RD rides with you, they will want to see the typical protocol sales call that you will have to do with a fake smile but hey they ride with you two days every 2-3 months so whatever. You get paid well to do a monkey's job. Drug pipeline is scheduled for 2016 and yes we did get fastrack from FDA but I don't know if that's a good thing or bad. Trokendi XR got approved with no stage 3 study and that doesn't make doctors jump for joy. Yes, it will come out sooner so we can sell something else but if its another XR formulation, I might commit suicide. Nobody knows what the drug will entail unless your a high up exec so don't believe anything anyone says about it. The one thing I wish people told me before going into pharm sales is that it can hurt your resume. Pharm sales is looked as a sample dropper/lunch caterer in other industries so if you come here, you better learn quick if you want to stay or not. If you stay here for five years, you're stuck bouncing from pharm to pharm jobs when/if you get laid off. Med device or any other true b2b job that is not entry level sales like copiers or enterprise will not even look at your resume. Hope that helps!!

The FDA doesn't seem to share your opinion about the pipeline. They gave SPN810 fast track designation, but I guess you already knew that right? They prob hand that designation out to every unneeded drug and generic patent extension right?

wow, you are a dipshit. let me guess, your first go into pharmaceutical right?

I'm honestly happy to be apart of this company. Granted, they hired non pharma reps because there's a lot of challenges we face. I've seen these "big pharma" reps and they can't hold my jock! they look so worn out and beat down. Not motivated, lack of selling skills, lack of people's skills, and no work ethic. Wouldn't you hire non self entitled pharma reps who are willing to grind it out and make it happen. I've seen all this childish chatter back and forth but the reality is Supernus is growing and moving in the right direction. People on the outside looking in just won't know what's it's like to be here and it's not our duty to justify our decision on being here. Responding to an earlier thread regarding "privileged" states that may have better access or better coverage. You get out what you put in. Some states have Medicaid a lot don't. It's who's selling the product is what makes the difference. Granted the Medicaid states are gonna have higher market share but for the states that don't, you can still perform at a high level if you willing to put forth the effort. I learned something long ago in my football days "no one outside this family will effect what we are doing and where we are going". People have a hard time understanding success when they haven't experienced success. MDM