Positive thoughts ANYONE? Advice?

The only people making under industry standard wages at victory are people who either are lazy or can not sell. Before you send me some stupid reply, I am talking about salary, bonuses, everything. Find another company that will allow you to increase your salary every quarter. Ohh but wait your not interested in earning that.... Your like a Ryan Leaf of the NFL, you want eveything upfront because you know deap in your heart your a failure and if you don't get it up front there is no way you will be able to earn it.

I'm sorry to let you in on this secret- but annual wage increases are pretty standard in most industries, from the mail room up to the board room. In fact, my last company (non pharma) used to just add wage increases into my paycheck every couple of quarters without even telling me. They didn't dangle some treats on a stick and make me do tricks for it.

Back to the original topic....If you are in the top 10% at Victory you are probably making more than you would make with big pharma. Especially since many of those reps are new to the industry and would not command a big base with big pharma and they would not have as much bonus potential. The next 10% of reps are making something on par with big pharma. The bottom 80% of reps are making a pretty low compensation. A "middle of the pack" rep is not a bad rep or a poor performer but at Victory that rep is not making good money. Add to that the baseline situation and the compensation can be even worse. I was doing very well until I lost 3 of my top docs due to retirement, moving etc.

Be prepared to be laid off then.... or rather forced into leaving by being put on probation so that you miss out on unemployment. That is how they thank you for working hard here at Victory.

Be prepared to be laid off then.... or rather forced into leaving by being put on probation so that you miss out on unemployment. That is how they thank you for working hard here at Victory.

Google "Unemployment benefits" If you had poor coaching reports, poor sales results, then Victory can claim they had just cause to terminate. Bottom line, just because you were fired, does not automatically guarantee unemployement pay.

can anyone give me a little insite into what CRM system Victory is using these days? I understand if you can't but would be helpful to know.

Victory is a company to stay away from. Consolidating territories and regions, below average managers that panick that the sky is falling, even worse managers above that, salaries that are pathetic, disrespectful supervisors, products that are terrible and widely available as generics at much cheaper cost than the branded cost Victory demands, way too high turnover in reps. The high TM turnover is the true indicator that Victory is a company to stay away from. What is the number of territories combinded with even larger territories across the nation?

Stay away from Victory as a employer!

Victory is a company to stay away from. Consolidating territories and regions, below average managers that panick that the sky is falling, even worse managers above that, salaries that are pathetic, disrespectful supervisors, products that are terrible and widely available as generics at much cheaper cost than the branded cost Victory demands, way too high turnover in reps. The high TM turnover is the true indicator that Victory is a company to stay away from. What is the number of territories combinded with even larger territories across the nation?

Stay away from Victory as a employer!

Give me a break. Victory isn't that bad. Every pharma company has bad managers... every pharma company has products that receive some kind of objection- Ours happen to be the price but the POS cards help to some extent. That is sales- no one said it was going to be easy. The salary is low but you accepted the offer as did I. No use complaining about it now. The high turnover rate is mostly due to the fact that Victory has to hire people who have never done pharma sales (because of the low base) and these people decide that this industry is not for them. Layoffs are a result of the struggling economy- you aren't safe in any company. Welcome to pharma 2008.

Victory isn't that bad. I agree. However, the high turnover rate is not because people leave because they think the industry isn't for them. Every person I know who has left (which happens to be 6 different people) has gone on to jobs with bigger pharma companies with better base salaries or medical device jobs. Although I am happy with Victory I will continue to keep my options open as I would rather have a big base salary and make the same bonuses that I make here. I am always a good performer just not someone who makes 15K a quarter...so unless you perform in the top 15 percent consistently here you are better off going big pharma with a bigger base and decent bonus with better products to sell...

I agree....However, I think that Victory sucks....you said that it "isn't that bad." I think that Victory underpays all of us....I know that there are a few top performers with pretty good base salaries b/c they performed quarter after quarter....but what about those of us who have consistently done well (ranked anywhere between top 20 to 40 percent) but never got regular raises...Now we have newbies coming in and making a bigger base than we started with and I had to work my ass off just to make mine 45K...WTF! And now they get 42K after no time put in at all!!!!

I think the overall raise was great but.....why not raise everyone who has been with the company since the first training class maybe the second and even third get some sort of percentage raise....RESPECT THOSE WHO HAVE STUCK IT OUT WITH YOU VICTORY!!!!! Especially those of us who have been offered other jobs but have turned them down due to loyalty...COME ON!!! Your first few training classes trusted you with all of our heart and soul and now you have shown how much you value that...

Right on previous poster. Additionally, some of us have done well but are having a hard time covering big baselines. It is very hard to grow quarter after quarter, especially when key writers take time off or retire or move.

Victory does not seem to appreciate those of us who took a chance on them almost two years ago.

Victory is a company to stay away from. Consolidating territories and regions, below average managers that panick that the sky is falling, even worse managers above that, salaries that are pathetic, disrespectful supervisors, products that are terrible and widely available as generics at much cheaper cost than the branded cost Victory demands, way too high turnover in reps. The high TM turnover is the true indicator that Victory is a company to stay away from. What is the number of territories combinded with even larger territories across the nation?

Stay away from Victory as a employer!

I agree. I just heard from Home Office that one of JJ's managers was caught sexually harassing his reps and when the rep told HR, they did nothing about it. How risky is that one?

It seems like these boards are used exclusively as a bitch session against Victory... Anyone interested in actually sharing some useful and/or helpful information? Come on people, we may not be the highest paying company out there or have the numbers like other companies, but I am pretty damn happy to have a job, considering the state our country is in right now. So that said... I'm looking to keep my numbers growing... Any advice??? I'm doing great with everything except Xodol... Please no bashing Victory, no bashing our drugs, I'm just looking for some advice...

Thanks in Advance!

YOU HAVE THE RIGHT ATTITUDE! Your Xodol will grow, just really focus on your target list and focus on 5 key doctors. Don't listen to the everyone else who can't sell Xodol. I am glad I saw that you are rational and understand that we are in a good situation.

Ok after the 15 reps that are doing 500 a quarter look at the drop off!!!and of those 15 reps over half are in Texas. But lets step back and look at the bigger Victory picture. 15 reps doing 500 a QUARTER!!!!!! That is shit compared to the amount of hydrocodone/APAP combinations. There are those same docs that you are calling on that write 500 a week of the generic equivilant. If Xodol is such a great product and moving so well, then how come the last company that had it went belly up??? let me guess its the Victory Difference

Ok, the ex xodol company went belly up. I agree, selling tier 3 drugs is hard. But thats why you accepted this job. Victory sold xodol. Yea, its probably a thing of the past, but we did. I do not live in texas. I live in a tier 3 territory. If you couldnt sell it, then thats your problem. Maybe you shouldn't be in sales. I hit well over 500 prescriptions, in a low income area. Im making a prediction, even if you had a tier one, you still wouldnt sell. Our JOB, is to sell benefits, if you cant, then you will only make 42,000 a year until you get fired (rightfully so). Grow up. Move on. Try selling copiers or any real sales job, you would never complain again!

$8,000 - ha ha ha ha - you lie!

Again, you all think its funny to make an 8,000 bonus. That would be a dissapointment to me. I make twice that. Again, in a tier 3 area. It must be nice to sit around and complain. I think getting a life shouldn't be as important as learning how to sell. Maybe you should take a class on how to sell Naprelan, cause you're wasting your time on here.