So we have a new strategy. Coach reps to piss off as many customers as possible to sell more product. Relationships and respect built over years gone in one sales call.
So we have a new strategy. Coach reps to piss off as many customers as possible to sell more product. Relationships and respect built over years gone in one sales call.
So we have a new strategy. Coach reps to piss off as many customers as possible to sell more product. Relationships and respect built over years gone in one sales call.
They work with Takeda, then they work with Quintiles, then back with Takeda..Offices are seeing our DM's ALL THE TIME. I am getting jabs from Drs. and teased about my other appendage. They're joking but NOT. KWIM...and I'm one of the good performing reps?
Takeda upper management, this isn't the way to roll. Ride alongs should be "once a quarter" seriously. If a DM needs to school a rep and be with them more, employ one on one strategizing methods as oppose to, "I'm gonna ride with you ad nauseum and whip you into shape"..NOT WORKING.
That's why we at Lundbeck wish you guys would get out of the psych offices. Your DM's have pissed off more offices that I have ever seen from another company. It's not the TAkeda reps that are the problem, but the directions your psycho managers give you!
So back in the day Pfizer reps were hated for being so pushy. They however had one thing we don't; innovative, non substitutable products backed by award winning marketing and aggressive pricing advantages.So we have a new strategy. Coach reps to piss off as many customers as possible to sell more product. Relationships and respect built over years gone in one sales call.
Been out of there for over a year after giving it 14 years. BELIEVE ME it is not the same everywhere. Takeda wants you to believe that. In no way is that accurate. Now use that negaive tension you experience bewteen ride alongs and plan your exit, NOW is the time.
Maley and all the clueless RDs and their mouth piece DMs are on borrowed time........