Poor kids need to organize

Jesus! I know it's a Federal progam! So what? Federal schmederal, the program exists and it's a government program. Normally I would agree that Obama should get rid of the program, but in the case of summer jobs, the problem is different. This is a summer job program for children! You like Socialism when it suits your needs!Have you ever been in Hershey, PA? I spend a lot of time fishing around there. It's not exactly the most exciting place to be for kids in the summertime. They can take a week's wages and go out for a nice candlelight dinner. They do have a new movie theater there.

Of course they can always go drinking with the local Amish kids, or have a rip-snorting day of shopping in Harrisburg. How about an inspiring trip to Antietem or Gettysburg?

The program was most likely started because: You're guessing here.
1. Small light-industrial communities have difficulty filling menial labor summer jobs with people willing to work.
2. The American State Department might have started the program because they knew American children are lazy and refuse to work for minimum wage, whereas Europeans are much more practical.Oh god., and I though you hated Socialist Ideologies??

In my area of the country (Pacific Northwest) most of the menial labor jobs are filled with immigrant labor. Farmers complain constantly that they have considerable difficulty finding even summer workers who can speak english. American kids don't want the jobs, even though they pay $10.00/hour.

We're done.

It is funny how you like Socialism sometimes and sometimes not.I find it difficult to classify "all American children" as lazy. Sure some may be, but many are not and want/and or need the work. I think this is a useless program that is helping the world, we need the help at home right now.
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So you refine and pick out 1 of 21 possible synonyms as the definition? Synonyms are different words with almost identical or similar meanings. They are not necessarily identical - it depends on the context. Are you saying that all 21 synonyms listed are the same? Back to bed grampa pickles.

syn·o·nym   /ˈsɪnənɪm/ Show Spelled[sin-uh-nim] noun

1. a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language, as joyful, elated, glad

2. a word or expression accepted as another name for something, as Arcadia for pastoral simplicity;metonym.

3. Biology. one of two or more scientific names applied to a single taxon.
Origin: 1400–50;

It is funny how you like Socialism sometimes and sometimes not.I find it difficult to classify "all American children" as lazy. Sure some may be, but many are not and want/and or need the work. I think this is a useless program that is helping the world, we need the help at home right now.

We have never discussed my politics, and I can't remember ever having a discussion with anybody on CP about my politics. If you would like to, we could do that. Let it suffice that I am not a complete social conservative, nor a complete fiscal conservative.

Your argument has merit, but you make the assumption that if those jobs were not being filled by foreign workers they would be taken by American/local workers. Experience does not support such an assumption.

Naturally, I don't classify ALL American children as lazy, only 99.9% of them. I know from experience that I have never had a summer employee last through the whole summer, and it is a giant pain in the ass to have to take time out every few weeks to find a replacement.
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We have never discussed my politics, and I can't remember ever having a discussion with anybody on CP about my politics. If you would like to, we could do that. Let it suffice that I am not a complete social conservative, nor a complete fiscal conservative.

Your argument has merit, but you make the assumption that if those jobs were not being filled by foreign workers they would be taken by American/local workers. Experience does not support such an assumption.

Naturally, I don't classify ALL American children as lazy, only 99.9% of them. I know from experience that I have never had a summer employee last through the whole summer, and it is a giant pain in the ass to have to take time out every few weeks to find a replacement.

So your personal experience should be used as the conclusion that "99.9% of American Children are lazy"?? And you were in Pharma-- scary.

We have never discussed my politics, and I can't remember ever having a discussion with anybody on CP about my politics. If you would like to, we could do that. Let it suffice that I am not a complete social conservative, nor a complete fiscal conservative. Are you shrooming now? You consistently bash the Leftists/liberals on here!
Your argument has merit, but you make the assumption that if those jobs were not being filled by foreign workers they would be taken by American/local workers. Experience does not support such an assumption.

Naturally, I don't classify ALL American children as lazy, only 99.9% of them. I know from experience that I have never had a summer employee last through the whole summer, and it is a giant pain in the ass to have to take time out every few weeks to find a replacement.


syn·o·nym   /ˈsɪnənɪm/ Show Spelled[sin-uh-nim] noun

1. a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language, as joyful, elated, glad

2. a word or expression accepted as another name for something, as Arcadia for pastoral simplicity;metonym.

3. Biology. one of two or more scientific names applied to a single taxon.
Origin: 1400–50;

So the definition of bigot is enthusiast? or is it superpatriot? As it was used, it doesn't necessarily mean racist and you know it. You just can't admit you jumped the gun.
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My assertions are that certain foul-mouthed name calling hate-mongers make BIGOTED comments about the president. I did not say racist.

And by your own standard, you have made bigoted statements against Herman Cain and most every other conservative you post about. Your hypocrisy is astounding!

Our problem with the president is his policies and his behavior. Bigotry doesn't enter into it. You can dislike what someone stands for without being bigoted. End of story.