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Poor David Pyott


He needs to be slapped around after fucking with the lives of thousands of employees who supported him. In ripping out r&d, he has effectively adapted the Valeant business model. The only innovation we will see in the coming years will be from acquisitions. Agn employees are no longer expected to be creative and innovative - all they must to is subscribe to the weird-ass agn (you're in the boat) cult. Good luck to all who stay...

He needs to be slapped around after fucking with the lives of thousands of employees who supported him. In ripping out r&d, he has effectively adapted the Valeant business model. The only innovation we will see in the coming years will be from acquisitions. Agn employees are no longer expected to be creative and innovative - all they must to is subscribe to the weird-ass agn (you're in the boat) cult. Good luck to all who stay...

Robots. Pyott SUX

He needs to be slapped around after fucking with the lives of thousands of employees who supported him. In ripping out r&d, he has effectively adapted the Valeant business model. The only innovation we will see in the coming years will be from acquisitions. Agn employees are no longer expected to be creative and innovative - all they must to is subscribe to the weird-ass agn (you're in the boat) cult. Good luck to all who stay...

The layoffs were definitely unfortunate but he didn't cut r&d anywhere near the level of what VRX would've done, and I wouldn't say innovation is being stifled.

I think ots time for new leadership at Allergan. This crew has not handled this correctly.

I agree things haven't been done correctly....but only in the way that they have been going toe to toe in the media.
They are right to defend the business, but why the only message to VRX should have been 'we will enter discussions when you offer close to our valuation'

Every company has a price, they just need to get to it.
The layoffs could have been handled a lot better, it was a rush job to become part of the media circus.

'Winning The Right Way' appears to be a value that has disappeared!

Pyott has long history bizarre behavior, self dealing and eliminating executives who challenged him. While I was at NOVARTIS this guy had major problems in our Spanish sub - rumored to have been caught buggering children. The company had the record expunged. Then he came to Allergan. Why are you surprised ?? This individual is the model for Euro deviant weirdness.