pompous and condescending award acceptance speeches need to stop!

All of this drama for overpaid pharma reps?

A rep or most managers would not know how to hit a sales goal.

Get ready. The slow moving train wreck of biosimilars and a weak pipe has started.

Sounds like there are a lot of jealous people in our company. We are cut throat, political, pretenious, lazy, and now jealous. I can't wait to leave. NSM seems like a waste of money.....lots of excessive drinking, gambling, free gifts and entertainment. I find this disgusting. Time to leave.

NSM is a celebration meeting and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it continuing. Personal choice to either drink or gamble moderately or excessively. I love the meeting as do 95% of the field.

Having worked there for the last decade and left last year, I see that elitism is alive and well there. NSM was both a good meeting and a time to dread - referring to the awards dinner. You just held your breath that someone you knew who won had a sense of humility and respect for all of the hard work that his/her colleagues put in their own territories.
I along with others truly believe the combination of ranking territories and allowing the top dog to pontificate on stage is part of the goal of motivation for others to follow their example or, re-evaluate whether they’re cut out for this job and go elsewhere.
The company has lost it’s reputation as a destination employer (where you want to retire) and I don’t see it getting any better going forward. If BA thinks his cost cutting last fall through layoffs will help turn it around, i for one don’t see it happening.
The culture has changed for the worse, the leadership team leads through fear and intimidation, the FRM’s think they’re untouchable while they bring NO VALUE and there is more elitism within certain franchises while others hang on for survival.
Hopefully someone will take aside the “best of the best” winner and educate them on what it means to be humble and appreciative.

Truth. Everything you said was true. The person that said 95% love the NSM literally is insane. I for one can also only speak of my district and everyone outside of our manager thought it was a horrible night. The speeches were unbelievable and it’s hard to listen to these overinflated egos.

Truth. Everything you said was true. The person that said 95% love the NSM literally is insane. I for one can also only speak of my district and everyone outside of our manager thought it was a horrible night. The speeches were unbelievable and it’s hard to listen to these overinflated egos.
District? Are you a Genentech employee?

It’s so funny this came up about this idiot. I literally am being honest here. Not one member of my team even knew who he was. He was such a jerk on stage. If there was a vote, most people in the MS division would say no awards. Let’s face it, the territories are so unfairly disproportionate from one to another. There is NO WAY a low volume territory will ever win excellence. The award ceremony is demotivating NOT motivating. To have us sit there and listen to this blowhard was extremely painful. “Ladies and Gentleman and honored guests” YIKES! Who is this as*hole? Of course California is going to win team of the year. Of course this jerk is going to win because he has the top MS physician and huge MS center. I personally know one of the top 5 and they do jack shit. They can’t even see their top doctor. As he pulled the heavily prepared speech with carefully selected words to kiss up to upper management, we all wanted to hurl. The guy was probably one of the biggest egomaniacs and the epidomy of fake I have ever witnessed. This is the only time in my career spanning over 25 years that I would say it’s absolutely unfair to have a ranking when these territories are so unequally divided. You stick an idiot like him in a low volume territory and you would see reality.

Everyone who is talking shit...fuck you! I do work harder than most of you. And as far as having Dr. Hauser...I’ve fostered that relationship and if it Santini for me he wouldn’t feel nearly as welcomed to the Genentech family. I’m in constant contact with his office and have developed that account. The majority of you are cry babies...develop your territory into a high volume territory like I have. Instead you complain...those who think they can’t are generally right! Dont worry about my territory cause my volume- from a territory that I have running like a well oiled machine- is paying for your salary. How sad is it that the majority of you can’t sell enough to cover your expenses.

To rip on my award and speech is petty. You should all be ashamed.

Everyone who is talking shit...fuck you! I do work harder than most of you. And as far as having Dr. Hauser...I’ve fostered that relationship and if it Santini for me he wouldn’t feel nearly as welcomed to the Genentech family. I’m in constant contact with his office and have developed that account. The majority of you are cry babies...develop your territory into a high volume territory like I have. Instead you complain...those who think they can’t are generally right! Dont worry about my territory cause my volume- from a territory that I have running like a well oiled machine- is paying for your salary. How sad is it that the majority of you can’t sell enough to cover your expenses.

To rip on my award and speech is petty. You should all be ashamed.

Get over yourself Melvin, your time in the spotlight is over. Put on your high school varsity jacket and feel the love once again. If you had any class, you’d respect those who busted their ass, did the best the could, knowing there was a chance in hell they’d win. Apparently you have no sense of humility, which is a big problem with this company. Amy VanB, is this the example you want up on stage???

Everyone who is talking shit...fuck you! I do work harder than most of you. And as far as having Dr. Hauser...I’ve fostered that relationship and if it Santini for me he wouldn’t feel nearly as welcomed to the Genentech family. I’m in constant contact with his office and have developed that account. The majority of you are cry babies...develop your territory into a high volume territory like I have. Instead you complain...those who think they can’t are generally right! Dont worry about my territory cause my volume- from a territory that I have running like a well oiled machine- is paying for your salary. How sad is it that the majority of you can’t sell enough to cover your expenses.

To rip on my award and speech is petty. You should all be ashamed.

Everyone who is talking shit...fuck you! I do work harder than most of you. And as far as having Dr. Hauser...I’ve fostered that relationship and if it Santini for me he wouldn’t feel nearly as welcomed to the Genentech family. I’m in constant contact with his office and have developed that account. The majority of you are cry babies...develop your territory into a high volume territory like I have. Instead you complain...those who think they can’t are generally right! Dont worry about my territory cause my volume- from a territory that I have running like a well oiled machine- is paying for your salary. How sad is it that the majority of you can’t sell enough to cover your expenses.

To rip on my award and speech is petty. You should all be ashamed.
Oh my.....I'm not in the MS franchise so no agenda here but this is sooo embarrassing! I've been at GNE for a long time and have seen a variety of Reps of the Year but this is the lowest. Clean up your language, act like a professional and - LEAVE! We don't need your Big Pharma trash!!

Oh my.....I'm not in the MS franchise so no agenda here but this is sooo embarrassing! I've been at GNE for a long time and have seen a variety of Reps of the Year but this is the lowest. Clean up your language, act like a professional and - LEAVE! We don't need your Big Pharma trash!!

Big pharma? This is a biologics company. The fact of the matter is the majority of our salesforce don't know how or refuse to sell. They can't foster relationships and grow the business. I've proven I can- not just here either.

But to come onto a public message board and trash me is uncalled for and petty. Jealousy will get you nowhere in life. Just work a little harder and maybe you can be up on stage next year. And if you make it you will get your moment to shine!

Big pharma? This is a biologics company. The fact of the matter is the majority of our salesforce don't know how or refuse to sell. They can't foster relationships and grow the business. I've proven I can- not just here either.

But to come onto a public message board and trash me is uncalled for and petty. Jealousy will get you nowhere in life. Just work a little harder and maybe you can be up on stage next year. And if you make it you will get your moment to shine!
Take some advice and don't respond to nay-sayers...

Big pharma? This is a biologics company. The fact of the matter is the majority of our salesforce don't know how or refuse to sell. They can't foster relationships and grow the business. I've proven I can- not just here either.

But to come onto a public message board and trash me is uncalled for and petty. Jealousy will get you nowhere in life. Just work a little harder and maybe you can be up on stage next year. And if you make it you will get your moment to shine!
FYI - we stopped being a biotech company when Roche arrived.

If people actually think the above comments are from the idiot that was onstage that acted like an arrogant blowhard, are out of their minds. Even he wouldn’t be that stupid. We all agree that his speech was embarrassing but many people are like him here. Extreme kiss-ups that always fight to have their voices heard while muffling out others. No doubt about it that he had a gifted territory and it’s a shame that the company focuses on folks like this with high volume territories making false assumptions they are better over the rest. You put this guy in a low volume territory and you would see a completely different outcome. Guaranteed. Unfortunately, the culture here is not teamwork and teammates trample over one another to get their name in the spotlight.

If people actually think the above comments are from the idiot that was onstage that acted like an arrogant blowhard, are out of their minds. Even he wouldn’t be that stupid. We all agree that his speech was embarrassing but many people are like him here. Extreme kiss-ups that always fight to have their voices heard while muffling out others. No doubt about it that he had a gifted territory and it’s a shame that the company focuses on folks like this with high volume territories making false assumptions they are better over the rest. You put this guy in a low volume territory and you would see a completely different outcome. Guaranteed. Unfortunately, the culture here is not teamwork and teammates trample over one another to get their name in the spotlight.

No you put me in a low volume territory and I'll shine even more when I grow it. The idiot is you.

I will be thrilled when the attrition starts. You stole money as people were lined up for drug. Now that the bolus is over and you stare at your APA Tool and can't understand where the business is........you look to blame others. Good luck. You stamped your feet, you whined "we didn't do this at insert company name" Now you have to go out and earn your money. You are failing. But.....But........Aetna has a step-edit. How can we sell when we have a step edit?
2018. The true sales people will come to the forefront.

What has happened to this place. This used to be the prestigious, place to be, organization. Now everyone is out to get one another. This place has turned into a drama fest as seen at the local high school. Looking at the stock price, seems the wheels have fallen off. Leadership reputation at an all time low. Wonder if Genetech will be voted best place to work for next year?? Time will tell. Good luck and godspeed.