Poly Pharma- iPad


"...will be sending out an email to be printed off and signed. This
document will state the repair process should you have physical damages to
the iPad while in your possession. Poly will half the cost of repairs for
the first instance and you will be responsible for all repair cost if there
is more than one instance."

Now you want me paying for your iPad, Chase?!

Paying for your car that would be an actual benefit to the rep and that can't happen. Chase would hate to do that. Treat us like crap until we find another job at least making respectable wages. How long do you think it takes him to ruin the company. I say 2 more years. 2 more weeks I hope.

His actions couldnt be more revealing of his intentions. Its my honest educated guess that he will be out within 2-4 years. Thats coming from my observation and a long time employed reliable source that shared (revealing)info. about chase and his intentions. And i believe that source ten times over any bs chase and his little sidekick neil force feed me.

Ps y'all, not a fan of cafepharma as an outlet but ive never seen a company fall so far down the hole

The next rep or manager that says they are happy with their job and the future of Poly will be the first to say so in a long time. Yea, your managers are unhappy to Chasey. Isn't it funny how hard our managers try to motivate us when they see the writing on the wall. It's a shame Brownley was great to the reps and ran this company much better for years. It has taken what two years for that to be erased by a greed. I wonder how many hunting trips are planned in the next few months that will be charged to the company. Well i guess the numbers will just be low again....

WOAH - This job is like working at BlockBuster. Neil tried to finger me in the hall during a call and I called HR and got his voicemail.

I don't think I can swallow enough Poly Tus to get the taste out of my mouth