

I'm still around. Retired from another company, but still check CP boards to get a feel for things. Started in the late 70s when being a rep was the best job. Retired last year when former company told managers to weed out older reps!! Three of my long time friends were targeted; I'm not a weatherman, but I could see which way the wind was blowing. Retired with all the bennies. Sad to see what pharma has become.

Were you still with Armour in 1979? If so, were you at the National meeting in Scottsdale, AZ at the Scottsdale Conference Resort? There were only about 65 or so reps with Armour at that time, but most of them had been with the company for over 20 years. Any rep that makes it to 20 years now at any drug company will be targeted for dismissal. It's a pity drug companies no longer value tenure and the relationships that go with it.