Poll: Best ADs and Worst ADs

In my five years the AD in my area has never been in my territory, nor have I heard of him being in the field.

Honestly, my team and I have no idea what either AD does. Neither have brought insight, perspective, leadership, or value. Frankly, both kind of creep me out.

To be fair, no AD has ever really provided any utility to the field.

A question was months ago in the Abell-Pacira suit thread asking to name an RBD that was competent. To date there are still zero replies. That says it all.

RBDs have been promoted from the ranks. Not one with any previous supervisory or leadership experience. There have been buddies promoted in lieu of harassment suits, those promoted despite felony convictions, those who were promoted just to shut them up, those who’s college roommates lobbied endlessly, and those in the boys ️‍♀️ golfing society that just cover each others hindquarters.

Can anyone provide examples of any account impact from your RBD? I can’t. But then again, I don’t play golf ️ so I do have fewer field rides.

Let's face it, the ADs & RDs are just, well, blah. Neither good nor bad, just blah. Ask yourself this, if I were starting my own company would I hire any other these people?
I can think of maybe 3 RDs I might hire. None of the ADs.

ADs, VPs,Chief Clinical, Chief Commercial, CMO? A boys network with obvious daddy issues clamoring for DS’s attention: Love me, D-! Validate me!

RS and Roy ‘the orifice” are locked in a battle of wits for Daddy D's favor…available to the sloppiest sycophant. The Cheap Clinical Officer is selling his ass off (to Dad’s delight) threatening RS’s “#1 son” position. RW's Trumpian ego (smarter but less principled) can’t resist alerting his customers “I really do more in sales” as he promotes off label and promises grants. Advantage, RW. Rich, you’ll never hamstring 'em. Navy didn't prepare you for this kind brand of evil. RW is playing to win, 8 steps ahead, and revels in getting over…but keep having MSL BF feed you intel because he should have RW’s position...just ask him.

For the win: Exalted Rich or Untouchable Roy(REALLY untouchable.Seen his Pacira piece)? Who’s Denny going to back? What's this…already demoted by new Prez? Someone finally sees this talentless hack climbing the backs of his girl underlings while arse kissing a lazy CEO. Dad, there’s a rim licking, non-compliant MSL West nightmare who’d cream his GI issued shorts if you gave him the high sign(2 including BF). Instead of getting your KOLs paid for work-never-done maybe change your last name to Stack and get noticed. The real shame? EVERYONE knows this debauchery is going on: MSLs just want to avoid fallout from BF/LD/JW power struggle. As if Roy notices or cares. He’s been trying to punt you guys to sales forever. Fortunately, BF has DG (CEO best friend?) in his corner...but more often the bar. Sales? We adopt GR’s motto “go along to get along” until you can leverage the secret sauce for a better job. Off label discussion a problem? Pishaw!. Wanna keep getting’ paid? Say nothing. HR and Legal only destroy the moral, the weak and the inconvenient. Oh, the humanity. SMH.

3rd quarter of solid growth but an impotent stock. Another investigation? Barely working 15 hours/week (still way more then MSLs) so not concerned.

ADs, VPs,Chief Clinical, Chief Commercial, CMO? A boys network with obvious daddy issues clamoring for DS’s attention: Love me, D-! Validate me!

RS and Roy ‘the orifice” are locked in a battle of wits for Daddy D's favor…available to the sloppiest sycophant. The Cheap Clinical Officer is selling his ass off (to Dad’s delight) threatening RS’s “#1 son” position. RW's Trumpian ego (smarter but less principled) can’t resist alerting his customers “I really do more in sales” as he promotes off label and promises grants. Advantage, RW. Rich, you’ll never hamstring 'em. Navy didn't prepare you for this kind brand of evil. RW is playing to win, 8 steps ahead, and revels in getting over…but keep having MSL BF feed you intel because he should have RW’s position...just ask him.

For the win: Exalted Rich or Untouchable Roy(REALLY untouchable.Seen his Pacira piece)? Who’s Denny going to back? What's this…already demoted by new Prez? Someone finally sees this talentless hack climbing the backs of his girl underlings while arse kissing a lazy CEO. Dad, there’s a rim licking, non-compliant MSL West nightmare who’d cream his GI issued shorts if you gave him the high sign(2 including BF). Instead of getting your KOLs paid for work-never-done maybe change your last name to Stack and get noticed. The real shame? EVERYONE knows this debauchery is going on: MSLs just want to avoid fallout from BF/LD/JW power struggle. As if Roy notices or cares. He’s been trying to punt you guys to sales forever. Fortunately, BF has DG (CEO best friend?) in his corner...but more often the bar. Sales? We adopt GR’s motto “go along to get along” until you can leverage the secret sauce for a better job. Off label discussion a problem? Pishaw!. Wanna keep getting’ paid? Say nothing. HR and Legal only destroy the moral, the weak and the inconvenient. Oh, the humanity. SMH.

3rd quarter of solid growth but an impotent stock. Another investigation? Barely working 15 hours/week (still way more then MSLs) so not concerned.

So many sketch people in the shadows.

Is DSP still alive?
RW has so many ANESs on the hook for next gig, grants, studies, etc. Got to admit he’s playing faster than anyone else.
JD (Ms. Pra-sear-er) now there’s an FOD that never disappoints. Wherever is is her minion (CD) is sure to be close by; maybe teaching yoga.
Poor Denny, he’s been discovered. But, it’s not about me. Really, it’s truly not about me. No, seriously, it’s not....
JP, while possessing talent, has disappointed so many with her extracurriculars. Why?

So many more, but my Tai Chi class is in 30, then there’s my massage and peddie.

In my five years the AD in my area has never been in my territory, nor have I heard of him being in the field.

Honestly, my team and I have no idea what either AD does. Neither have brought insight, perspective, leadership, or value. Frankly, both kind of creep me out.

To be fair, no AD has ever really provided any utility to the field.

I have been fortunate to see what great leadership looks like and Pacira management is what dysfunctional looks like. It is true, the upper management has "Daddy" issues with Stack, the person that wrote that was spot on--"Look at me, Look at me I am daddies favorite!"

Perhaps we all should take note at what happen to Sharon M, like her or dislike her, she was at Pacira from the beginning. When the ax fell and she was fired, she went to stack and asked for intervention- he told her that there was nothing he could do- Really?! What loyalty, how do get rid of a person who has given everything to a company and then take them out like trash, what human being does that kind of thing?

Beware of the Pete/Denny/Roy cabal, these guys have no scruples. They realize they are lucky to have the titles they have, only bi products of screwing other people so they could get promoted. Please take down the the core values, its in an insult to organizations that actually live by their values.

Thanks to all that have provided levity and clarity to that dysfunction we all know is Pacira.

These Festivus-like airing of grievances are very cathartic.

To the previous poster, the word loyalty is not in the Parsippanny vocabulary.

ADs, VPs,Chief Clinical, Chief Commercial, CMO? A boys network with obvious daddy issues clamoring for DS’s attention: Love me, D-! Validate me!

RS and Roy ‘the orifice” are locked in a battle of wits for Daddy D's favor…available to the sloppiest sycophant. The Cheap Clinical Officer is selling his ass off (to Dad’s delight) threatening RS’s “#1 son” position. RW's Trumpian ego (smarter but less principled) can’t resist alerting his customers “I really do more in sales” as he promotes off label and promises grants. Advantage, RW. Rich, you’ll never hamstring 'em. Navy didn't prepare you for this kind brand of evil. RW is playing to win, 8 steps ahead, and revels in getting over…but keep having MSL BF feed you intel because he should have RW’s position...just ask him.

For the win: Exalted Rich or Untouchable Roy(REALLY untouchable.Seen his Pacira piece)? Who’s Denny going to back? What's this…already demoted by new Prez? Someone finally sees this talentless hack climbing the backs of his girl underlings while arse kissing a lazy CEO. Dad, there’s a rim licking, non-compliant MSL West nightmare who’d cream his GI issued shorts if you gave him the high sign(2 including BF). Instead of getting your KOLs paid for work-never-done maybe change your last name to Stack and get noticed. The real shame? EVERYONE knows this debauchery is going on: MSLs just want to avoid fallout from BF/LD/JW power struggle. As if Roy notices or cares. He’s been trying to punt you guys to sales forever. Fortunately, BF has DG (CEO best friend?) in his corner...but more often the bar. Sales? We adopt GR’s motto “go along to get along” until you can leverage the secret sauce for a better job. Off label discussion a problem? Pishaw!. Wanna keep getting’ paid? Say nothing. HR and Legal only destroy the moral, the weak and the inconvenient. Oh, the humanity. SMH.

3rd quarter of solid growth but an impotent stock. Another investigation? Barely working 15 hours/week (still way more then MSLs) so not concerned.

Had to look it up....

  1. a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage.

Thought ML was decent. Had to be a total mindf#$k to lose out to Mr. Remedy for CCO. He took his ball and went home.
A good guy amongst turds.

Matt L never slobbered after DS. He also never got out into the field. Well, hell neither did the RDs or ADs.
I thought ML was too good for this dumpster fire.

Who’s next to get hosed? It won’t be long.

Let's face it, the ADs & RDs are just, well, blah. Neither good nor bad, just blah. Ask yourself this, if I were starting my own company would I hire any other these people?
I can think of maybe 3 RDs I might hire. None of the ADs.

I ultimately agree to the statement above. But I see this to be more of a top level issue in the development and “grooming” of management/leadership, not merely a representation of all RBDs being inadequate or incompetent. (Though some are, 2 or 3 are complete duds) One poster asked “are there any RBDs with previous management experience”? First, the answer is yes, but only 1 or 2. But in being as objective as possible, would you rather be with an organization where they purely outsource all management/leadership roles? Or be with one that organically promotes from within? I think most like the idea of organic development, could be wrong.

But I’ve been with big and small companies and the “buddy system” with regards to promotions into leadership/management is nothing solely attached or unique to Pacira. And with that buddy system you get the good and the bad. But the difference in other organizations is they develop said good or bad promotes to be functional at least, to good/great leaders.

I don’t love my RBD, I don’t particularly believe he’s the brightest guy. But I also know the organization has done very little to develop him into a functional manager. So as an org if you don’t groom or develop your leaders. How can you expect them to be successful and be value adds to their direct reports? Kinda a rant sorry...

So many sketch people in the shadows.

Is DSP still alive?
RW has so many ANESs on the hook for next gig, grants, studies, etc. Got to admit he’s playing faster than anyone else.
JD (Ms. Pra-sear-er) now there’s an FOD that never disappoints. Wherever is is her minion (CD) is sure to be close by; maybe teaching yoga.
Poor Denny, he’s been discovered. But, it’s not about me. Really, it’s truly not about me. No, seriously, it’s not....
JP, while possessing talent, has disappointed so many with her extracurriculars. Why?

So many more, but my Tai Chi class is in 30, then there’s my massage and peddie.

I love that people are calling Mcloughlin "Denny" he acts like a guy who did not make the cut to be called Dennis. I am sure Max is scratching his head, pondering "how in the world did Mr. Not About Me get this far in life, is the talent pool empty?"

So the Best RBD's

There are none left, they fired all of them!
Dan is ok, not much of a thought leader, must have done something wrong not to be an AD after being here forever.


CR- Zero strategic planning or business sense, may have been successful in Tx, however, who isn't ? No business being in a leadership position, great detail pharma person.
LN- When he isn't drinking or recovering from a hang over he has an original sentence or two, amazing that a guy that lost over $500K of business in one year got promoted, must be taking notes from Vaughn.
BC- The full 30 days he was here, Mr. "what would you do" was like working for Lurch- You know if you were talking to him, Vaughn was on the other line.
GV & IS- They are the same person right, share the same room at company events- Arrogant and ignorant, wake up guys you work for a pharma company
HE- Clueless and Vaughn's company caddy.
Not sure about the rest, too new

Need to clean the garage, workout and gas the car up, my manager is coming in to work with me for a half day and call it a "field ride!"

Matt L never slobbered after DS. He also never got out into the field. Well, hell neither did the RDs or ADs.
I thought ML was too good for this dumpster fire.

Who’s next to get hosed? It won’t be long.

The posts are pretty consistent with the same morons being called out for what they are- They are all friends of Dave, Sleeping with Dave, or have provided information to Dave to get ahead! The rest of the bottom feeders are just people that are the leftovers that sold a friend or colleague down the river to get ahead.

I love that people are calling Mcloughlin "Denny" he acts like a guy who did not make the cut to be called Dennis. I am sure Max is scratching his head, pondering "how in the world did Mr. Not About Me get this far in life, is the talent pool empty?"

So the Best RBD's

There are none left, they fired all of them!
Dan is ok, not much of a thought leader, must have done something wrong not to be an AD after being here forever.


CR- Zero strategic planning or business sense, may have been successful in Tx, however, who isn't ? No business being in a leadership position, great detail pharma person.
LN- When he isn't drinking or recovering from a hang over he has an original sentence or two, amazing that a guy that lost over $500K of business in one year got promoted, must be taking notes from Vaughn.
BC- The full 30 days he was here, Mr. "what would you do" was like working for Lurch- You know if you were talking to him, Vaughn was on the other line.
GV & IS- They are the same person right, share the same room at company events- Arrogant and ignorant, wake up guys you work for a pharma company
HE- Clueless and Vaughn's company caddy.
Not sure about the rest, too new

Need to clean the garage, workout and gas the car up, my manager is coming in to work with me for a half day and call it a "field ride!"

Left out a few:
MG: promotion to shut her up. How that working out?
JS: Had team refer his buddies & split the referrals. Always working an angle.
CB: Mr. Nobody
RD: who knows, she’s invisible.

I ultimately agree to the statement above. But I see this to be more of a top level issue in the development and “grooming” of management/leadership, not merely a representation of all RBDs being inadequate or incompetent. (Though some are, 2 or 3 are complete duds) One poster asked “are there any RBDs with previous management experience”? First, the answer is yes, but only 1 or 2. But in being as objective as possible, would you rather be with an organization where they purely outsource all management/leadership roles? Or be with one that organically promotes from within? I think most like the idea of organic development, could be wrong.

But I’ve been with big and small companies and the “buddy system” with regards to promotions into leadership/management is nothing solely attached or unique to Pacira. And with that buddy system you get the good and the bad. But the difference in other organizations is they develop said good or bad promotes to be functional at least, to good/great leaders.

I don’t love my RBD, I don’t particularly believe he’s the brightest guy. But I also know the organization has done very little to develop him into a functional manager. So as an org if you don’t groom or develop your leaders. How can you expect them to be successful and be value adds to their direct reports? Kinda a rant sorry...

There are none left, they fired all of them!
Dan is ok, not much of a thought leader, must have done something wrong not to be an AD after being here forever.

Dan didn’t do anything wrong. He is a dinosaur, the last of a near extinct breed; a man of his word and fair. Not much of that going around here. He doesn’t kiss ass. He’s only got a few years left and he’s done, just riding it out.

CR only had one account, MDA. Built career on one hospital. Zero leadership ability. Diversity hire.