You're lucky - training was 5 weeks when I was there. Not only did I have a roommate for 5 weeks, but the guy next door got lucky enough to have a roommate that left during the 1st week. He had the room to "himself" and every young whore that he could buy a few drinks and talk his way into her pants. He was a great salesman! I got very little sleep. Saw a few of the chicks he banged at the last POA. I wonder if they are good salespeople or if they are just banging their docs. It worked for 'em in training!

Meeting was long - too many hours each day - and the food was not great....
The walk was long and blah blah blah
BUT....if you have some cool co-workers you consider friends it wasn't hard to have a few good times during the two evenings off. Philly was pretty cool.
And although the awards dinners are long, I like them. We bust our asses all year long. Some people really enjoy the recognition and given all the time they demand from us why not? If you don't like it bring in a smart phone, drink heavily and surf the net.

Fine, let's have a meeting...but PLEASE spare us the marketing BS. We know you can pull whatever stats and numbers you want from this so called "data". Do you think we are that naive, or is it possible that you are that dumb? Cmon now, a slide showing us the percentage of docs that prescribe Viibryd or Daliresp first line?!?!?!?!? Do you seriously think you have collected relevant data? Hey FOREST, your marketing team GO AWAY! save some cash, sales will NOT be affected.

Don't even mention going to training in NY and realizing that for 2 weeks you get a roommate as well!

Completely uncivilized company! Even the cheapest, crappiest companies give you your own room for training...oh no, but not FOREST!! They gotta save a penny any way they can!

You fool, it has NOTHING to do with saving a penny, the reason forest has forced roomies for adults is purely based off CONTROL and showing who is boss.....simple.

Thank you guys for posting all this! I am so gald I am not with Forest anymore! I see I did not miss a thing! Glad I did not have to go to that stupid meeting with a long boring awards dinner and terrible food. I never had good food at Forest (only during the lunches & dinners that I did in the field). I will never forget how bad the food was at training.... And to the person that mentioned Forest trying to save a penny, it's really not about that. They simply do not have any respect or love for their employees. They treat them like slaves and feed them slop - simple as that.

Of course it is! My manager just left a team voicemail saying that this POA was THE best ever lol....funny, he left the same voicemail after last year's POA too. And because most people here drink the kool-aid, everyone else claps in agreement. It's actually hysterical to watch! I understand these POAs are "necessary evils," but why can't they just wrap these things up in 2-3 days??! Also, why can't we have local POAs within our region? Wouldnt it be cheaper and quicker?

We used to have meetings in our regions but they realized 2 things.

1.) They were not wasting enough money on awards dinners and giant theme dinners where 1/2 the food does not get eaten

2.) Dissent is easier to voice in smaller meetings. Put 700-800 people in the same hotel on the same schedule for 4 days and you get the herd mentality that is so vital to Forest's business model. You become lost in a sea of apathy and only want it to be over.

We used to have meetings in our regions but they realized 2 things.

1.) They were not wasting enough money on awards dinners and giant theme dinners where 1/2 the food does not get eaten

2.) Dissent is easier to voice in smaller meetings. Put 700-800 people in the same hotel on the same schedule for 4 days and you get the herd mentality that is so vital to Forest's business model. You become lost in a sea of apathy and only want it to be over.

more complainers be thankful you have a job dumb yutz!

The POAs are good for me! It's a lot easier than working all day. Playing the game can be fun. WOW that is brilliant! Pick me! Pick me! NOooooooo! Why did you pick him when I was raising my hand the highest? I am so eager to please you! I want to role play in front of the room, please! Please! Yes sir! Yes ma'am! Raise my hand for everything, what? You don't want to acknowledge me? Okay, no problem, I'm still going to keep raising my hand....I want to share my "pearls" with EVERYONE!

Did you hear a complaint there? Not a complaint, a statement of fact as to why we have large POA's. This was confirmed to me by an RD who is no longer with the company not long after they made the change.

Forest has decided they want sheep. That is a free market choice the company has chosen to make. I have no problems with it but I'm not going to pretend it is something it is not. The industry as a whole is moving away from the model that Forest is embracing. The big dogs in pharma couldn't make it work but somehow Forest will be different?? I guess only time will tell who is right. Until then I blindly follow and collect a paycheck. BAAAAAAHHHH.

more complainers be thankful you have a job dumb yutz!