At least laughing at Tom Poppa, the comedian, was worth the walk. My face hurt from laughing so much.

Thanks Gerry,

The ISF'ers

PS. Please shorten the mediocre awards dinner, no one cares who came in first, second, or any other quarter. Its painful to sit there for 2 hours

Ah, quit yer bitchin. I loved it. That awards dinner will stay with me for the rest of my life. That' was the funniest thing I have EVER seen.

Too many people take themselves too seriously in this profession anymore. A great meeting like that took me back to why i love this industry and company.

I say "nice work" to everyone who planned it, AND Philly wasn't bad at all.

Ah, quit yer bitchin. I loved it. That awards dinner will stay with me for the rest of my life. That' was the funniest thing I have EVER seen.

Too many people take themselves too seriously in this profession anymore. A great meeting like that took me back to why i love this industry and company.

I say "nice work" to everyone who planned it, AND Philly wasn't bad at all.

Let's all clap our hands for this 'future leader'!

Forest does not give own rooms? Wowza! So you bunked up with another adult in a double room for a meeting? that is low brow.

Don't even mention going to training in NY and realizing that for 2 weeks you get a roommate as well!

Completely uncivilized company! Even the cheapest, crappiest companies give you your own room for training...oh no, but not FOREST!! They gotta save a penny any way they can!