Yeah thats right shitbag. Im not leaving-I just have a few short years left. But you keep thinking you've got the answers to everything fat ass. Some people don't want to start over after a lifetime of building a career and relationships. And, there is not fix. Its big pharma mentality. Other industries have sales meetings too, which are much more productive and a lot less time. Fact. Don't like it? Then keep you fucking head buried in the PC sand. Don't like my language? Tough shit. There's a whole lot of us around this company. But you just keep up that great positive attitude asshole. Lets see if youre a sales rep in the industry in 5 years-10 max. Have fun jerk off.

So you’d rather just be a little bitch and post, makes sense you’re a solid person. Foul mouth, I know who you are your breath always smells like dog crap. I’m gonna slap you silly when I see you. Just you wait and see potsie

Yeah thats right shitbag. Im not leaving-I just have a few short years left. But you keep thinking you've got the answers to everything fat ass. Some people don't want to start over after a lifetime of building a career and relationships. And, there is not fix. Its big pharma mentality. Other industries have sales meetings too, which are much more productive and a lot less time. Fact. Don't like it? Then keep you fucking head buried in the PC sand. Don't like my language? Tough shit. There's a whole lot of us around this company. But you just keep up that great positive attitude asshole. Lets see if youre a sales rep in the industry in 5 years-10 max. Have fun jerk off.

Hey douche bag you’re the shit bag, low life hanger on, never win, lazy, fat, old. Couldn’t compete and win against a child, your language is a lens into your pea sized brain you needle-dick, tea bag loving moron. Shit for brains spending his free time jacking off on his leg while he posts lame ass messages here. Go back to school you sorry ass fool

Yeah thats right shitbag. Im not leaving-I just have a few short years left. But you keep thinking you've got the answers to everything fat ass. Some people don't want to start over after a lifetime of building a career and relationships. And, there is not fix. Its big pharma mentality. Other industries have sales meetings too, which are much more productive and a lot less time. Fact. Don't like it? Then keep you fucking head buried in the PC sand. Don't like my language? Tough shit. There's a whole lot of us around this company. But you just keep up that great positive attitude asshole. Lets see if youre a sales rep in the industry in 5 years-10 max. Have fun jerk off.

oh you’re leaving you just don’t know it yet. your description of who you makes it pretty easy and we can smell you a mile away

Hey douche bag you’re the shit bag, low life hanger on, never win, lazy, fat, old. Couldn’t compete and win against a child, your language is a lens into your pea sized brain you needle-dick, tea bag loving moron. Shit for brains spending his free time jacking off on his leg while he posts lame ass messages here. Go back to school you sorry ass fool

So much anger

What the hell isba smoke show and why do you care what she looks like, get a dam life you sad sack POS

I care what the hell she looks like. This is a healthcare organization fat ass. You pull up looking like shit and it matters to some of us. Now go and whack that little peter of yours you sad sack of shit

I care what the hell she looks like. This is a healthcare organization fat ass. You pull up looking like shit and it matters to some of us. Now go and whack that little peter of yours you sad sack of shit

Don’t have a mirror at home? Don’t blame you, dog ass ugly face and big fat guy funny you talk about how someone else looks when you’re such a slob