POA in Florida

Also-there are many areas where Bausch and ista products are number 1; obviously ur area is not-should check yourself-maybe ur the reason why. Don't b so naive to think we all aren't aware of our possible downsizing-that's pharma reality.

C'mon people. It's only been a few days and already I don't feel that "Power of Us" anymore.

Loved the question on the big board on Monday morning...."Did I just join big pharma?"

If you have to defend it right from the get go, then that pretty much answered it right off the bat regardless of what the actual answer was.

Screw mitros son, everybody is looking that worked at ista, gotta agree with the last post, if you already have to defend the culture, then the culture sucks. Does anyone do anything here? All I saw was a bunch of talk that led know where, it's like they all sat around a table throwing ideas around, but know one actually took responsibility for the idea and fulfilled it, just "well that sounds good" I loved the part where Perry said, I'd rather walk away from business than risk compliance issues, that's a great excuse to not sell. Everybody was nice, but so clueless. You could hide out here for 10 years and not do any real work

Christian Woman here from the South. Can we talk about the inappropriate attire at this meeting? I didn't like seeing open-toed shoes or shoulders bare in those chilly rooms. Perky nippies are never an invitation for Rx's. This is abhorrent. Where is the dignity of this Christian nation?

Christian Woman here from the South. Can we talk about the inappropriate attire at this meeting? I didn't like seeing open-toed shoes or shoulders bare in those chilly rooms. Perky nippies are never an invitation for Rx's. This is abhorrent. Where is the dignity of this Christian nation?

They had to be from "Up Nawth"!!

Christian Woman here from the South. Can we talk about the inappropriate attire at this meeting? I didn't like seeing open-toed shoes or shoulders bare in those chilly rooms. Perky nippies are never an invitation for Rx's. This is abhorrent. Where is the dignity of this Christian nation?

Morality in dress codes is just in YOUR head. Some could say that if a woman does not cover her face entirely with a scarf it is immoral or she is a seductress. Sex can be immoral as it creates a life that needs to be taken care of. Dressing with less clothes on is just a fashion statement. Cavewomen a few thousand years ago probably walked around naked and breast fed in public. Clothing kills animals, takes away valuable farmland for cotton that could be used to feed starving people and if it is made out of synthetics increases carbon foot prints on this earth.

Real morality is less clothes, no shoes and use Gods birthday suit as much as possible to feed the hungry and save the planet.

You clearly need Jesus. You are probably one of the hussies I saw that had notes taken on them by management. A man will use you but will not respect you. I"m heading to Chic Filet now!

You clearly need Jesus. You are probably one of the hussies I saw that had notes taken on them by management. A man will use you but will not respect you. I"m heading to Chic Filet now!

The next big move is to allow you to marry just one man and just one woman but you can be married to both a man and a woman at the same time. B+L could come out an be the first to support this type of arrangement. Anyone who says they are against this type of arrangement will not be allowed to order any products from B+L.

We could also sponsor man+woman+man woman+man+woman awareness month. If Chic Filet comes out against this arrangement just wait. The people will rise up and eat more hamburgers.

hysterical. I stopped ordering Chic Fileta in good conscience. I can no longer support a company that gives money to groups that are discriminatory to others. Cathay can have his point of view but since he's hurting people in doing so, I will not give any money to his business

Part of what's wrong with this country is that we have become so pc and tolerant of everything and everyone that we no longer stand for anything. If anyone knows their history and has any knowledge of the bible, what happened to the roman empire? Destroyed from within-exactly what is happening in America; what happened to sodom and Gomorrah? You can love and be kind to people without compromising your own standards and beliefs. I don't shove my beliefs down people's throats and I shouldn't have to take it from others.

I can only hope that the majority of people that believe in the free market and the principles that founded this great country, show up and get that socialist, Muslim sympathizing, lying crook named obama out of office!

There was nothing in the above messages that was mean; they are simply a belief and standard. Your 'burn' statement is mean and proves the point that if I don't agree with you, which I find to be wrong in my life, you think I should ' burn'. I didn't say you would ' burn'. That's more of that ungodly, liberal propaganda you think I'm supposed to grin and swallow-never!

What kind of crazy fools are you people? What have I gotten myself into here?

Just make sure you voice your support for gay marriage and that you are an Obama supporter and you maintain the right for the good positions and chance at promotion in this company. If you are a hater then expect to be asked to take out the garbage and clean the floors.

Just make sure you voice your support for gay marriage and that you are an Obama supporter and you maintain the right for the good positions and chance at promotion in this company. If you are a hater then expect to be asked to take out the garbage and clean the floors.

I could give a rats ass either way. Leave me alone and let me do my thing. But if you don't agree with the gay agenda does that automatically make you a hater?