I love these B/L people who will find out Merck will cut all of them, how do you think, Wexler, Hassan, Saunders got to BL, they were clipped by Merck. I've seen the bonus structure at the corporate level, the bonuses will actually be less than at ISTA. By the way, to the douche that thinks that ISTA employees sell should sell cable, BL is not number 1 in any major catagory because you'd rather blame your poor sales on on compliance issues. Finally a word to BL employees that think you will cash in big on your IPO, you wont, the valuation will be around $5 per share according to JP Morgan, if you want to know how to make real money in this business talk to Mitro and Anido and the ISTA employees who cashed on average, $350,000 worth of stock. As for Mitros son, he's here until his other interviews are over, just like the rest of the ISTA people will jump ship, and then your numbers will plummet because BL has no relationships withe docs, and that is according to the docs that I've actually asked.