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PML cases now reach 82!


You just don't get it do you. The PML number can be 5,000. As long as the efficacy is there the soca will use it.

Wake up.

Tell me you are kidding. Do you honestly think that MS patients and more so, their docs, will ignore risk levels regardless of how high they go? Unless the docs place their income levels ahead of their patient's health (and we all know that happens, don't we) you will see the Tysabri choice become less and less. I already know that this is happening in the field so please don't pretend that the problem is being ignored.

Haha. Finally, it's clear. You're just a little drug sales rep who's sore about Tysabri hurting your bonus. You were let go from Biogen during Spyglass and then caught on with a second rate competitor.

You feel inadequate that you didn't get an MBA or MD. You just didn't do well enough back in school. This was the best you could do. You feel even worse that you were canned and that you can't even win against Biogen. It's so bad for you that you've been whining on this board for years.

Congratulations on having your other threads discontinued and on being largely ignored through the holidays. Enjoy watching some 60K patients continue to benefit from Tysabri in 2011 and enjoy being ignored some more.

Little ex Biogen sales rep who was let go. Didn't do well with them and am bitter. Having other threads discontinued. Hey man, what on earth are you smoking?

Talk about a lot of assumptions made by you. Of course they are all wrong. Well, not all. I do work for the competition and have for quite a while. My bonuses are coming in quite nicely despite what you think.

Unless you have your head buried in the sand lately, Biogen isn't doing as well as you would like to think, is it? Take a look at some of the other threads and see that all is not well in paradise these days.

Tysabri? I was told by one of your esteemed reps a couple of years ago that there would be over 300,000 patients on it by now. Little short of expectation I guess. With a 1/500 chance of getting PML after a couple of years use it has a tendency to scare patients away, doesn't it?

It's Avonex you should be worried about. I know you are losing patients everyday all you can do is raise the price. Your right Tysabri is a great drug but Avonex keeps the lights on. Biogen will be sold very soon the pipeline is not great.

Hahaha. Couldn't sound more like yourself if you tried.

Looks like your little decade-long, multi-alias hoax is up. Just a low-class competitor sales rep full of sour grapes. Kind of takes the air out of all your little rants, doesn't it? Everyone knows where you're coming from now.

Decade long hoax. Hate to inform you that a decade ago I was still in school and in a short time I'm doing extremely well, thank you. And what's this about little rants? Looks like you have some real issues with someone.

Hahaha. Couldn't sound more like yourself if you tried.

Looks like your little decade-long, multi-alias hoax is up. Just a low-class competitor sales rep full of sour grapes. Kind of takes the air out of all your little rants, doesn't it? Everyone knows where you're coming from now.

Hey Sunshine....looks like your back continuing on with the same old crap as before. Moderator finally had enough of the old thread(can you blame him/her) and terminated it. Now that someone has updated the PML cases (hey, they keep on going up, don't they?) I see you are back as your policeman's role of trying to protect Biogen from all those nasty opinions! See you have already slammed one rep thinking he was me. What's that...about 5 different people you feel are the same person? Keep it up Sunshine, your rants indicate to everyone the huge level of frustration that you are experiencing here every day :))))))

Hey Sunshine....looks like your back continuing on with the same old crap as before. Moderator finally had enough of the old thread(can you blame him/her) and terminated it. Now that someone has updated the PML cases (hey, they keep on going up, don't they?) I see you are back as your policeman's role of trying to protect Biogen from all those nasty opinions! See you have already slammed one rep thinking he was me. What's that...about 5 different people you feel are the same person? Keep it up Sunshine, your rants indicate to everyone the huge level of frustration that you are experiencing here every day :))))))

God, so it is this joker, back yet again. The posts sound similar, but it wasn't obvious to me. Nice call. Good to at least know his deal now. Mommy and daddy must have been disappointed that this is the best he could do with his career. Getting dumped by Biogen was just salt in the wound.

God, so it is this joker, back yet again. The posts sound similar, but it wasn't obvious to me. Nice call. Good to at least know his deal now. Mommy and daddy must have been disappointed that this is the best he could do with his career. Getting dumped by Biogen was just salt in the wound.

My first post on this thread was today so if you want to call someone a "joker" then go and read who started the slamming almost immediately. Surprise, surprise, it was Sunshine. Some things never change, do they? :)))))

More with Sunshine? So it is joe2 after all. Are you completely delusional?! I've yet to see anyone on this thread called Sunshine. I, for one, gave you the benefit of the doubt previously, as it seemed you were the only one here who's not a Biogen shill. But it turns out you've been a fraud all along.

Look how quickly your thinly disguised attempts fell away when you were uncovered again today. Or do you really expect people to believe you're checking CafePHarma every hour? I take back anything I ever said in your support. I would have never sided with such a fraud. It's agreed, you're nothing more than a bitter salesman who couldn't cut it.

More with Sunshine? So it is joe2 after all. Are you completely delusional?! I've yet to see anyone on this thread called Sunshine. I, for one, gave you the benefit of the doubt previously, as it seemed you were the only one here who's not a Biogen shill. But it turns out you've been a fraud all along.

Yeah Sunshine, I know you would like to think I'm joe2. You've had that delusion for months and months. And please don't pretend that you aren't the absolute jerk, Sunshine. You've worn that delusion out ages ago. Talk about a "fraud". :))))

Look how quickly your thinly disguised attempts fell away when you were uncovered again today. Or do you really expect people to believe you're checking CafePHarma every hour? I take back anything I ever said in your support. I would have never sided with such a fraud. It's agreed, you're nothing more than a bitter salesman who couldn't cut it.

You want to think that I started this thread...go right ahead. Live in a fantasy world...you're very good at that. And I'm not a salesman. Another one of your fantasies. :))))

More with Sunshine? So it is joe2 after all. Are you completely delusional?! I've yet to see anyone on this thread called Sunshine. I, for one, gave you the benefit of the doubt previously, as it seemed you were the only one here who's not a Biogen shill. But it turns out you've been a fraud all along.

Look how quickly your thinly disguised attempts fell away when you were uncovered again today. Or do you really expect people to believe you're checking CafePHarma every hour? I take back anything I ever said in your support. I would have never sided with such a fraud. It's agreed, you're nothing more than a bitter salesman who couldn't cut it.

Well put. Nothing to add.

Amazing the venom spewed on this site. I started the thread with info on the PML update. Unfortunate for MS patients but it makes selling my product much easier.

If this is how the Biogen group handles communication it's no wonder the company is in turmoil these days. Nasty.

At least I am up front in saying I started the thread and have communicated in a civil manner. It's too bad I can't say the same about some of the others on this board. Sure looks like there are some ugly confrontations going on here. Think I'll use my energy to go out and improve my sales and leave the fighting to the rest of you.

That's OK. We know what you're about now.

Hey Sunshine, you certainly are showing your true colors again. Attacking whomever you don't agree with, trying to guess who is writing what (incorrectly as usual) and making a complete idiot of yourself. The guy is right....a lot of nasty people on this board with you right up there at the top. People like yourself never get tired of being a jerk, do they? :)))))

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