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Please Takeda do not let a TAPper run the show at this company again


With Doug diggity done, we need to ensure that NOONE from TAP ever gets to run this company again. He's done enough damage, as have all the other TAPpers. Even Japan is bringing outsiders in the run the show. Either have a pure Takeda legacy exec run the show, or bring in an outside. If you have TAP on your resume, you should be DQ and not eligible for run TPUSA.


Prevacid was a $5 billion drug in its hay day. Somebody at TAP knew what they were doing. I can name more dumb ass legacy Takeda employees vs TAP. Oh, I forgot Takeda sales force is being ran by an Exec with a French degree.

With Doug diggity done, we need to ensure that NOONE from TAP ever gets to run this company again. He's done enough damage, as have all the other TAPpers. Even Japan is bringing outsiders in the run the show. Either have a pure Takeda legacy exec run the show, or bring in an outside. If you have TAP on your resume, you should be DQ and not eligible for run TPUSA.

Doug and his cronies ran TPUSA like it was a continuation of TAP. They couldn't understand that the blockbuster days were over. It took someone from the outside to see what was clear to everyone else but Yasu, that Doug cared more about rewarding his TAP buddies than growing the business.

TAP is long gone. It is time all the former TAP execs still sucking the blood out of TPUSA be shown the door so they can spend more time lessinnswith their families. Every VP that reported to Doug should be working on their resume.

Too bad those VPs can't be sued to make them hand back all those bonuses and perks that they "earned" over the last five years. Shame on them.

Takeda Legacy has fallen off the map. The diabetes unit is a disaster (biggest pharma faceplant ever)

That said I hope Takeda legacy blowhards take the company over
since it most certainly would go out of business

Takeda Legacy has fallen off the map. The diabetes unit is a disaster (biggest pharma faceplant ever)

That said I hope Takeda legacy blowhards take the company over
since it most certainly would go out of business

All ou need to know about the leadership:



With Doug diggity done, we need to ensure that NOONE from TAP ever gets to run this company again. He's done enough damage, as have all the other TAPpers. Even Japan is bringing outsiders in the run the show. Either have a pure Takeda legacy exec run the show, or bring in an outside. If you have TAP on your resume, you should be DQ and not eligible for run TPUSA.

We need to bring back the TAP GI Specialty Sales Force. This was one of the best teams that TAP ever created. The intelligent, the talented, the educated, the informed, the organized, the charismatic, the brilliant.... The GI Specialty Sales Team! So proud and so true!!!!

You all have a star in your new Division. You are fortunate to have fran Lynch. Good guy. Let him lead your organozation. He will build a great culture as he did at Janssen/centocor.

We need to bring back the TAP GI Specialty Sales Force. This was one of the best teams that TAP ever created. The intelligent, the talented, the educated, the informed, the organized, the charismatic, the brilliant.... The GI Specialty Sales Team! So proud and so true!!!!

Best of the Best Baby!!! Bring back the G-FORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BAM!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Tappers were in over their head from day one-it was a frat house built on relationships from the old days with old ideas-nobody can argue that now based on the pathetic shape of this company. This is a chance to clean out the entire exec team and bring in new talent that can turn this ship around-I hope Japan doesn't blow this opportunity-our jobs depend on it.

Quit being so negative-Tappers were very successful at TAP-thru luck or skill doesn't matter. It didn't translate and they didn't evolve with a changing industry. The results speak for themselves-so lets bring in some new leaders and build a successful company-that is a good thing for ALL of us!

The Tappers were in over their head from day one-it was a frat house built on relationships from the old days with old ideas-nobody can argue that now based on the pathetic shape of this company. This is a chance to clean out the entire exec team and bring in new talent that can turn this ship around-I hope Japan doesn't blow this opportunity-our jobs depend on it.

You are so right!!! a frat house built on relationships from the old days with old ideas-nobody can argue that now based on the pathetic shape of this company. I will add a girls club in marketing.

Dave Furrer (useless)
Patnoe (delirious)
Gimburpt - GI MArketing director with no marketing background
Paul Fatso FreelUP - brown noser
Marketing losers - just losers
Greeby - promoted just because she was a tapper
Zezki - in over head
Douggy Cole - good bye dude.
The girls club in marketing with tap dancing in their backgrounds - watch your back
etc etc

Sickening to see these people ruin our company .... same old way of doing/not doing things right.

You are so right!!! a frat house built on relationships from the old days with old ideas-nobody can argue that now based on the pathetic shape of this company. I will add a girls club in marketing.

Dave Furrer (useless)
Patnoe (delirious)
Gimburpt - GI MArketing director with no marketing background
Paul Fatso FreelUP - brown noser
Marketing losers - just losers
Greeby - promoted just because she was a tapper
Zezki - in over head
Douggy Cole - good bye dude.
The girls club in marketing with tap dancing in their backgrounds - watch your back
etc etc

Sickening to see these people ruin our company .... same old way of doing/not doing things

Be funny if it wasn't true- add trench to the freely- gimburpt-zezki brat pack/brain trust. New leadership should see through "team powerpoint" in an instant. Zero leadership by any measure except their own.


We need to bring back the TAP GI Specialty Sales Force. This was one of the best teams that TAP ever created. The intelligent, the talented, the educated, the informed, the organized, the charismatic, the brilliant.... The GI Specialty Sales Team! So proud and so true!!!![/QUOTE]

BAM~ BAM~ BOTTA BOOM~ BOTTA BOOM~ Bring back the G-FORCE and turn this ship around!!!!! BAM~BAM~ G-FORCE, cream of the crop, best of the best!!!!! BAM!!!!!

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