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Please Stop Challenger!

This too shall pass. Been here more than 30 years (they have removed almost all of us) and almost all customer facing and the truth is that any of us that have survived never ever talked about a sales model. We were pleased and honored to be able to engage in conversation with some of the smartest people on the planet and it never occurred to us that we had 3 key messages or that we had to sell. We just provide product specifics let them know it was better and affordable and you make the call.

Pharma needs to grow up and go back to having respect for the office.

What?? you mean that you don't Challenge the physician?? How are they supposed to rational drown if you don't challenge them?? I mean they need to get to their pain point. I can't wait to see how challenger does with Movantik.

What?? you mean that you don't Challenge the physician?? How are they supposed to rational drown if you don't challenge them?? I mean they need to get to their pain point. I can't wait to see how challenger does with Movantik.
Leave it to AZ to name an initiative after a space shuttle that exploded and shocked the world with the most tragic event in space travel. Stupid fuckers will never learn. What is next the 911 training program?

I am amazed that "CNS" even exists. XR has done nothing but decline for awhile now. I haven't even mentioned Pristiq in so long, that I can't remember when the last time was. Now we get MO, a constipation drug that has nothing to do with "CNS". It will go the way of Vimovo. No real need for it. There are tons of options out there, that will be cheaper and just as effective.

It's getting more obvious by the day, that the entire sales force needs to be restructured, from top to bottom. Just better hope you have a chair when the music finally stops.

It used to be that you could not be discharged from a hospital until you had voided your bowels. I can tell you for a fact that is no longer the case. With shitty American diets people can go 3-6 days without a drop. So now you get discharged because we cannot keep you inside at $4,500/day when you can stop at CVS and get metamucil or ex-lax or castor oil - remember that boomers?. Go home and poop. This will be an answer for a handful of Cx patients and for them it will be a blessing and provide some relief but this is a small niche - necessary but small.

Cannot wait to see the AZ ads for Movantik. The scene will open with an old man in a hospital bed with tubes in him saying, "can't see, can't pee, can't spit, can't shit... need Movantik!" Oh wait, better yet, make that a DANCING man holding his IV pole in a bowling shirt.

Come early Monday morning I am marching into my physicians office to let them know that a reckoning is a coming that reckoning coming right now. It is time to be bold and challenging - I have set the alarm for early challenger.

I am Jonesing already. I have vacation time and I will not be able to challenge any physicians with advanced degrees for about 10 days and I will just have to stay home and challenge my wife and children to see what they have been missing and why they should be listening to me. This will be great.

I am Jonesing already. I have vacation time and I will not be able to challenge any physicians with advanced degrees for about 10 days and I will just have to stay home and challenge my wife and children to see what they have been missing and why they should be listening to me. This will be great.
Hi, my name is Bambi and I am here to challenge you Dr. Smith. After all, I am almost 30, have a BS from one of the top liberal arts colleges in the N.E. and cater a mean lunch as you know already. So I am qualified to challenge your prescribing choices don't you think? And if you agree with me I may let you catch a nipple glimpse while bending over to capture your signature. Giggle on cue, wiggle on leaving and giggle to keep them coming back.

Hi, my name is Bambi and I am here to challenge you Dr. Smith. After all, I am almost 30, have a BS from one of the top liberal arts colleges in the N.E. and cater a mean lunch as you know already. So I am qualified to challenge your prescribing choices don't you think? And if you agree with me I may let you catch a nipple glimpse while bending over to capture your signature. Giggle on cue, wiggle on leaving and giggle to keep them coming back.

No worries. Just keep telling me what your product is Barbi and I'll use it. Oh, and tell the ladies at the front to let you in the back anytime (thinking to self, "man, would I like a piece of that!")

It felt SOOOO good to get back out there again after not having challenged any medical professionals for almost 10 days. It was a well deserved vacation but I got right back into it and was teaching and tailoring and warming it right. Thanks AZ for letting me realize my full potential as a sales professional.