So your dsm asks you to do unehticl things and your reaction is to do nothing but make some copies. How about address it with them like a professional. Before you go ballistic on me hear me out. By addressing it you confirm their actual intent and eliminate confusion. This request can be through email and after the email response or conversation you send them a reply of your understanding of what is asked. This way there is a record and it is clear. For the paranoid people it also helps protect against a perceived retrobution down the road from your DSm as it gives you basis for a case. I have done this before when direction was not clear and it has always slowed the emotions down and brought a proper response. This signals the dsm to be more specific with you and most likely reduces similar confusion that your counterparts might be getting too.
To hear people complain about potential unethical behaviors but do nothing really sickens me. It makes me think you were in agreement or complisite? with the dsm but now you dont like your boss and hope to use it againt him. It also means you would allow other coworkers to be put through the same issue.
To hear people complain about potential unethical behaviors but do nothing really sickens me. It makes me think you were in agreement or complisite? with the dsm but now you dont like your boss and hope to use it againt him. It also means you would allow other coworkers to be put through the same issue.