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please kill MSBU already!!!


This model is not working. Companies like Biogen, Teva and Genzyme are laughing at our incompetence! We suck in the MS space and you SSLT suck!

I suggest you F yourselves and call it quits already. Our share has moved exactly ZERO in 5 years.

A Concerned Investor


This model is not working. Companies like Biogen, Teva and Genzyme are laughing at our incompetence! We suck in the MS space and you SSLT suck!

I suggest you F yourselves and call it quits already. Our share has moved exactly ZERO in 5 years.

A Concerned Investor

I died the day Novartis launched the product.

Yawn......easy gig, good money, free stuff, no cubicle. If you cant handle this, life must be overwelming to you because work us the easy part

Boring, micromanaged, treated like 5th grader, poor marketing, poor leadership, poor bonus. Better opportunities elsewhere just start looking. You are correct on 1 point - No cubicle

Rumor has it the SAMs and KAMs had to dance during a meeting if they had an idea or question.... Is it true? That's freaking embarrassing ... And bush league....

About 5 million dollars in salary for losers that write account plans in their basement . They never see the customer yet act like they know what's going on. The south has lost every account manager nobody wants the job.

Rumor has it the SAMs and KAMs had to dance during a meeting if they had an idea or question.... Is it true? That's freaking embarrassing ... And bush league....
I have never been part of an organization that has failed as bad as this business unit. The leadership exec's that fail are promoted to other business units while the reps suffer from the poor decissions.

I have never been part of an organization that has failed as bad as this business unit. The leadership exec's that fail are promoted to other business units while the reps suffer from the poor decissions.

Look the poor leadership has resulted in poor results
1) Gilenya a loser this should of been a 3 billion dollar product
2) Entresto only did 5 million so far pathetic.
3) Cosentyx they are giving more drug away for free then they are selling.
4) The highest turnover in any pharma company.
5) Alcon is a mess since the takeover millions lost.
please feel free to add more

Look the poor leadership has resulted in poor results
1) Gilenya a loser this should of been a 3 billion dollar product
2) Entresto only did 5 million so far pathetic.
3) Cosentyx they are giving more drug away for free then they are selling.
4) The highest turnover in any pharma company.
5) Alcon is a mess since the takeover millions lost.
please feel free to add more

Repeat offender with lawsuits - $390 million!

Look the poor leadership has resulted in poor results
1) Gilenya a loser this should of been a 3 billion dollar product
2) Entresto only did 5 million so far pathetic.
3) Cosentyx they are giving more drug away for free then they are selling.
4) The highest turnover in any pharma company.
5) Alcon is a mess since the takeover millions lost.
please feel free to add more

Maybe they need to put men back in charge.

Can't wait until Genentech starts interviewing...... I know 6 of our 8 reps are going to interview..... The other 2 have about 2 weeks MS experience. Let the exodus begin!

NY KAM left wonder why he was here since launch any insight. I heard Abbvie is hiring now.

He was the best KAM in the country, wasn't even in my district but he was one of the few who actually left the house, knew his accounts, "sold", and was not your typical Novartis spreadsheet drone! Glad he got out.....

He was the best KAM in the country, wasn't even in my district but he was one of the few who actually left the house, knew his accounts, "sold", and was not your typical Novartis spreadsheet drone! Glad he got out.....

Are you saying the Philly KAM and others don't leave the house and don't know their accounts?

He was the best KAM in the country, wasn't even in my district but he was one of the few who actually left the house, knew his accounts, "sold", and was not your typical Novartis spreadsheet drone! Glad he got out.....

He was my KAM and the entire team really respected him. I am shocked he lasted this long I think the old RD burnt him out with reports. Its sad to see so many quality people leave. The KAM in DC was also a big loss she was very sharp.