Please just STOP!!

Get off oil and wow a chance to make more bonus....wait a chance to not pay DM is starting to ride the line ethically. Face it lovaza works, and so does Vascepa. Gsk and amarin are sister..both force to promote unethically...just look how the post are on this board...,gee whiz noone is making $$$$ except big management....lighten up and stop fighting over one script which probably not reported oh wait...its hidden so dont have to pay. gSk u make more bonus with no script reporting....amarin your being forced to work nothing

Get off oil and wow a chance to make more bonus....wait a chance to not pay DM is starting to ride the line ethically. Face it lovaza works, and so does Vascepa. Gsk and amarin are sister..both force to promote unethically...just look how the post are on this board...,gee whiz noone is making $$$$ except big management....lighten up and stop fighting over one script which probably not reported oh wait...its hidden so dont have to pay. gSk u make more bonus with no script reporting....amarin your being forced to work nothing

Now you understand pharma sales - smoke and mirrors - it is a big joke!
there are no commissions!

CEO got paid almost $4 million last year to lose $400 million in equity, and now he wants a raise!!!!!! HAHAHAHAH what a scam of a company.

Management = colossal failure

Wow I have nothing to do with GSK yahoo or Amrin. Been in pharma a while and every time I think we have hit bottom I come across a thread like this. All the responses to orignial thread are the work of spolied little children. i literally think these posts are all the rants of someone who has not worked hard, not faced adversity and thinks this is some kind of joke. why bash a drug a company and the poor people trying to make a living.

Grow the up, and look in the mirror really close, see if there is any way not to reveal a narcissistic sociopath. Oh and don't waste your time to reply to me I will never visit this thread again. But you will, because a narcissistic sociopath always believes the world revolves around them. Bye now.

Wow I have nothing to do with GSK yahoo or Amrin. Been in pharma a while and every time I think we have hit bottom I come across a thread like this. All the responses to orignial thread are the work of spolied little children. i literally think these posts are all the rants of someone who has not worked hard, not faced adversity and thinks this is some kind of joke. why bash a drug a company and the poor people trying to make a living.

Grow the up, and look in the mirror really close, see if there is any way not to reveal a narcissistic sociopath. Oh and don't waste your time to reply to me I will never visit this thread again. But you will, because a narcissistic sociopath always believes the world revolves around them. Bye now.

You are the one that needs to grow up. You sound like a little child that cries about all the other little kids. Something tells me that you are also suffering from hurt feelings after getting tossed out of a pharma company.

What is also hilarious is how you say you will never visit this thread again, yet we know you will.

Look in the mirror yourself and you will see what a loser looks like.

Hmmmm.....let's see.....should I work at a company that has only one product with low sales and only enough cash to last through the end of the year, or should I work for a real company, like GSK that has many products and lots of cash.......I don't think that is a hard decision.

Unfortunately, the reps at this company didn't have a choice. This is the only gig they could get after washing out at real companies.

Hmmmm.....let's see.....should I work at a company that has only one product with low sales and only enough cash to last through the end of the year, or should I work for a real company, like GSK that has many products and lots of cash.......I don't think that is a hard decision.

Unfortunately, the reps at this company didn't have a choice. This is the only gig they could get after washing out at real companies.

you can so tell the people who haven't yet experienced the swift sword of big pharma. They are so cocky and arrogant thinking that 'it will never happen to me'. I think its assholes like you that the OP who started this thread was talking about. We have many people who are employed here that could've even given this douchlord a lesson or 2 on how to think he was invincible, but look where they are now??? There in a place that this fuckstick will be lucky to find himself one day. Yes, the longterm future for this company is kind-of shit, and Lovaza has more marketshare than we do. But if you read the studies you can't dispute that we do have some things to sell against and some features that our competition doesn't have, and at the end of the day that's all we are trying to do. Again, our goals are the same as every other sorry-ass, piece-of -shit-excuse-of a salesperson is trying to do, and that's stay employed in an industry that is dying. We all just want to squeeze another few years or even months out of an occupation that allows you to make more than most physician assistance or nurse practioners while still working an average of 5 hours a day.

So in closing, suck it GSK and be nice to us, because we'll probably be bidding for the same job soon at Wal*Mart or Home Depot