I'm sure this will result in many angry, childish replies but here I go. Please STOP!!!. I get it. We are competitors. I get it. Many of us while working for other companies may have been guilty of posting all sorts of shit about the oposing team, but this is getting absolutely retarded (I know, not PC). GSK, get off our company board and polute your own!!!!
None of us selling this new product is saying it's the next Lipitor or Nexium. We know what it is and it is a good product that does have some features/benefits over our competition. We also know that Lovaza came first and has the physician's confidence and it is essentially the same drug. All of us here have looked in the miror and seen a jobless, washed up pharma rep. We know the risks here. We know the reality and we are fairly certain we know the not too distant future for ALL OF US, GSK included.
Can you blame us for getting an opportunity and being a little excited about it for a minute? Can you blame us for wanting to give this drug every chance we can and for not having shit attitudes about yet? Trust me, if we last longer than a year we will all show a few of our now-covered spots. But for now, we are working for a company that for many of us is a breath of fresh air from big pharma or maybe it's a little awkward working for such a small company but it's all we can do right now. Please just let us do what we can.
None of the post from Amarin began to get ugly until haters from what I can only guess are GSK started, and yes some of us stooped and fed the flames with replies. Just asking that for now get off our site and Amarin, stay the fuck off theirs. Go sell your fish oil and let us try to sell ours. Lets play nice in the sandbox and do our jobs and save the bickering until after we all get the boot.....again
None of us selling this new product is saying it's the next Lipitor or Nexium. We know what it is and it is a good product that does have some features/benefits over our competition. We also know that Lovaza came first and has the physician's confidence and it is essentially the same drug. All of us here have looked in the miror and seen a jobless, washed up pharma rep. We know the risks here. We know the reality and we are fairly certain we know the not too distant future for ALL OF US, GSK included.
Can you blame us for getting an opportunity and being a little excited about it for a minute? Can you blame us for wanting to give this drug every chance we can and for not having shit attitudes about yet? Trust me, if we last longer than a year we will all show a few of our now-covered spots. But for now, we are working for a company that for many of us is a breath of fresh air from big pharma or maybe it's a little awkward working for such a small company but it's all we can do right now. Please just let us do what we can.
None of the post from Amarin began to get ugly until haters from what I can only guess are GSK started, and yes some of us stooped and fed the flames with replies. Just asking that for now get off our site and Amarin, stay the fuck off theirs. Go sell your fish oil and let us try to sell ours. Lets play nice in the sandbox and do our jobs and save the bickering until after we all get the boot.....again