Please explain why our stock has tanked


Yep, buy the rumor, sel the of the oldest “rules” on the street. Plus the potential to book additional sales is constrained by supply and logistics and really relies on the failure of Moderna and others... certainly not a scenario to wish for given the state of the pandemic.

Yep, buy the rumor, sel the of the oldest “rules” on the street. Plus the potential to book additional sales is constrained by supply and logistics and really relies on the failure of Moderna and others... certainly not a scenario to wish for given the state of the pandemic.

Pfizer is too big for vaccine sales to really move stock price going forward. Moderna on the other had is about to get their 1st product approval. They also are studying mRNA for other diseases. More risk, but more reward with Moderna. I'm hoping for all vaccines to succeed. Diversify out of Pfizer stock.

Pfizer is too big for vaccine sales to really move stock price going forward. Moderna on the other had is about to get their 1st product approval. They also are studying mRNA for other diseases. More risk, but more reward with Moderna. I'm hoping for all vaccines to succeed. Diversify out of Pfizer stock.
Break it up

Idiot when you have CEO, CFO, ex CEOs, Pres, VPs, BOD members all dumping up to 70% outstanding Pfizer stock before vaccine approval at 41 then why should any fund manager or large holder not also sell!
Your execs need to be in prison.

this vaccine is not a money maker and as huge as Pfizer is, they have little else in the form of innovation, new products. What is the last big, successful product our R&D org actually developed?

this vaccine is not a money maker and as huge as Pfizer is, they have little else in the form of innovation, new products. What is the last big, successful product our R&D org actually developed?

none... we are a gigantic rich M and A company with the best marketing division in the world... biotech? Lol.. Surely no one believes that...

Pfe stock is a dog.
All execs sold because outside of Oncology no pipeline, decrease revenue and profit, vaccine is 1 yr infusion only after 8 others come out that are as good and cover more strains at room temp.
Plus Xeljanz likely being pulled by FDA for causing strokes and heart attacks thus loosing that $2 Billion a year.
Look for 2021 the stock to go to 25-30 range

We will see, the comps should start to get better over the next year now that Upjohn is gone. . I think it’s safe to say that there will be a market for the coronavirus vaccine going forward but how big is anyone’s guess at this point, obviously the storage requirements hamper broader adoption, however the potential for freeze dried remains. For now I think the stock is dead money, and will be until we can show revenue and eps growth, the only real potential catalyst being that it’s cheap on a pe basis relative to the market.