Please don't embarrass us by pusing diovan or exforge

To the arrogant poster who would rather work at Starbucks and has paid off his mortgage, I must say your not very smart. Paying off your mortgage early is one of the worst investments you can make. I know you'll say you are not like the millions if Americans who are upside down in their homes but if you pay off a mortgage then your property value decreases, you just screwed yourself. Again I'm sure you're not in this situation because you are a genius.

How do you know they paid it off early? Maybe this person is close to retirement? Or maybe they have a spouse that does well? You never know one's situation. But you sound pretty jealous.

I think the point of their statement is that reps now have no credibility left & he/she is embarressed. I took it as he/she wants to make a honorable living & whatever revenue they bring in, they know they do so honestly & can feel good about what they are doing.

Yeah high interest debt is so much better , as is the stock market, gold or the good old fashion dollar so when everything collapses they will be worth zero .
Moron ! I'm happy in my free & clear home Thank you very much
you can go panhandling with your homeless kids or live in some occupy tent city

Lol. High interest? Mortgage rates are at their lowest points in history. It's always been true that paying off your mortgage is the worst investment. Having a low interest mortgage and investing the cash so that you have it just in case (get it) is the best way to go. Good ting you're not a financial advisor.

Yeah high interest debt is so much better , as is the stock market, gold or the good old fashion dollar so when everything collapses they will be worth zero .
Moron ! I'm happy in my free & clear home Thank you very much
you can go panhandling with your homeless kids or live in some occupy tent city

Everything collapses? If everything collapses what will it matter if you have your house paid off. Wow. The above poster is correct. The worst investments paying off a mortgage. If you're worried about "collapse" then all that money you put towards your mortgage should be liquid or in something safe like bonds. Who's the moron?

If you can do it, debt free is the way to go.

I wouldn't pay off a house that was underwater but a lot of houses have not dropped in value. My house is worth more than what I paid for it. As long as you have a strong cash emergency fund and investments it's better to get rid of debt and then, after the debt is paid, continue to add to your investments.

If you do not have a strong emergency fund and a nice amount in investments then you should wait to make strong payments against the house. It's all about balance yet being debt free should be an important goal to achieve for real peace of mind. No matter what happens you are less vulnerable.