Plan for contract reps for CVRM?

And you'll never be an experienced rep if you need to be spoon fed information because you are incapable of thinking for yourself.

Use your brain... Why do you think "the plan" would be to roll the contract reps over? what business purpose would that serve?

If you can't come up with a logical reason why a company would do that then guess what? You got your answer. Expz
Get of your high horse man. You didn’t organically learn everything about the business you were taught yourself. If you don’t want to help younger reps learn and grow then go be grumpy elsewhere. Must be awful having such a miserable life that you don’t want to help folks out.

Get of your high horse man. You didn’t organically learn everything about the business you were taught yourself. If you don’t want to help younger reps learn and grow then go be grumpy elsewhere. Must be awful having such a miserable life that you don’t want to help folks out.
Reps know little about this business, that’s why they are reps.

Reps know little about this business, that’s why they are reps.
That’s fair. But what’s the point of this site if we can’t offer insight? A lot of folks who take the contract jobs take it to break into pharma. At the same time nobody wants to be left out in the cold and if anyone can give insight to help them make a decision they should.

Get of your high horse man. You didn’t organically learn everything about the business you were taught yourself. If you don’t want to help younger reps learn and grow then go be grumpy elsewhere. Must be awful having such a miserable life that you don’t want to help folks out.

There's no high horse... I'm literally just asking them to think for themselves. Since when is it being grumpy to ask someone to explain their own thought process?

If I was to just answer the question and say, "yes that's the plan" or "no that isn't the plan" I don't understand how that helps inexperienced reps in anyway. Instead I'm simply asking them to use their own brain. Jesus Christ when did people get so damn soft?

There's no high horse... I'm literally just asking them to think for themselves. Since when is it being grumpy to ask someone to explain their own thought process?

If I was to just answer the question and say, "yes that's the plan" or "no that isn't the plan" I don't understand how that helps inexperienced reps in anyway. Instead I'm simply asking them to use their own brain. Jesus Christ when did people get so damn soft?
Just answer the question, bitch.

Right back at ya little buddy... Put your thinking hat on.

You asked if rolling contract reps on was still "the plan"

Why on earth would this be or have ever been "the plan?" Why do you believe this?

It's pretty obvious someone told you this, and you just took it for gospel because you don't know any better. Which if you're new, why would you know any better? You are right, the only way to learn is ask questions, but unless you learn how to use your brain and learn how to filter through legit info and company propaganda you'll never make it.

So, howa about instead of getting offended when someone asks you to think for yourself... You just think for yourself. So, How would rolling over contract reps benefit the company? If that was "the plan" why even use contract?

Right back at ya little buddy... Put your thinking hat on.

You asked if rolling contract reps on was still "the plan"

Why on earth would this be or have ever been "the plan?" Why do you believe this?

It's pretty obvious someone told you this, and you just took it for gospel because you don't know any better. Which if you're new, why would you know any better? You are right, the only way to learn is ask questions, but unless you learn how to use your brain and learn how to filter through legit info and company propaganda you'll never make it.

So, howa about instead of getting offended when someone asks you to think for yourself... You just think for yourself. So, How would rolling over contract reps benefit the company? If that was "the plan" why even use contract?

Geeez man you ok? Why make all these post if you simply refuse to be a help? I’m guessing you push down old ladies as they cross the street too don’t you. Just let it go. A few folks asked a simple question they didn’t ask for you to be a jerk man. I’m sorry for the folks looking for help when they deal with people like you.

Geeez man you ok? Why make all these post if you simply refuse to be a help? I’m guessing you push down old ladies as they cross the street too don’t you. Just let it go. A few folks asked a simple question they didn’t ask for you to be a jerk man. I’m sorry for the folks looking for help when they deal with people like you.

Specifically... What have I said that would make you believe I'm being a "jerk"?

Specific examples please.

Specifically... What have I said that would make you believe I'm being a "jerk"?

Specific examples please.
Guess we view life differently…to me anyone who refuses to help and would rather criticize people for asking is a jerk. Guess you see it differently. Good luck in life friend.

To folks wanting to know things….keep asking. Good people like to out especially those new or early in the profession. Ignore people like the above person. Only unsuccessful people refuse to be helpful. Hopefully some of the new folks to the profession who are on the contract gleaned a little info that can help them make a decision about their career path. It’s tough being new to something.

Guess we view life differently…to me anyone who refuses to help and would rather criticize people for asking is a jerk. Guess you see it differently. Good luck in life friend.

To folks wanting to know things….keep asking. Good people like to out especially those new or early in the profession. Ignore people like the above person. Only unsuccessful people refuse to be helpful. Hopefully some of the new folks to the profession who are on the contract gleaned a little info that can help them make a decision about their career path. It’s tough being new to something.

Provide one example of anyone criticizing someone for asking a question. Just one. You can't, because You're talking out your ass.

Why don't you start being honest... You wanted someone to spoon-feed you information and it hurt your feelings when the mean old internet man asked you to think for yourself. And it's not tough being new at something... What's tough is being new AND being stupid. That seems to be what you're struggling with.

To be fair, the old guys got a point. If You don't know why companies hire contract reps you might wanna start there. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but if you took this job with dreams of being rolled over you're probably going to be sorely disappointed.

Provide one example of anyone criticizing someone for asking a question. Just one. You can't, because You're talking out your ass.

Why don't you start being honest... You wanted someone to spoon-feed you information and it hurt your feelings when the mean old internet man asked you to think for yourself. And it's not tough being new at something... What's tough is being new AND being stupid. That seems to be what you're struggling with.

Hey bud we’re trying to keep things positive around here and be helpful. Maybe start your own thread where you can bitch and moan about your life without bothering others.
The rest of us what to have positive discussions. I understand that’s a difficult for you.

Hey bud we’re trying to keep things positive around here and be helpful. Maybe start your own thread where you can bitch and moan about your life without bothering others.
The rest of us what to have positive discussions. I understand that’s a difficult for you.

Just because you say it, doesn't mean it's true. That's what "talking out of your ass means"... That's what you are doing. Here I'll give you an example:

Provide one example of me, or anyone in this thread "bitching and moaning about their lives"

And Just like the last 3 instances of you talking out of your ass, this is another instance of you talking out of your ass. Hope you enjoyed this installment of "teaching naive new reps why they're stupid"

Just because you say it, doesn't mean it's true. That's what "talking out of your ass means"... That's what you are doing. Here I'll give you an example:

Provide one example of me, or anyone in this thread "bitching and moaning about their lives"

And Just like the last 3 instances of you talking out of your ass, this is another instance of you talking out of your ass. Hope you enjoyed this installment of "teaching naive new reps why they're stupid"
Go be miserable somewhere else crotchety old man

LoL positive insight? MF just told you to find another job, coz you ain't staying here. LoL positive Insight. Where on earth do you people come from?
Are you dense? Do you know what this thread is about? Positive insight meaning thanks for providing something that adds to the conversation. Go play and let the adults chat. Some of the words are too big for you.

Are you dense? Do you know what this thread is about? Positive insight meaning thanks for providing something that adds to the conversation. Go play and let the adults chat. Some of the words are too big for you.

LoL alright, gotcha. Let me try some of this positive insight stuff you're talking about. You ready for some insights? Judging by your previous comments, and your lack of knowledge of pretty much everything, and your unwillingness the accept any sort of criticism regarding your lack of knowledge. You will struggle to find another job in pharma after you get laid off later this year. Hopefully you didn't burn any bridges at Enterprise when you left. How's that? Am I doing this positive insight thing right?

LoL alright, gotcha. Let me try some of this positive insight stuff you're talking about. You ready for some insights? Judging by your previous comments, and your lack of knowledge of pretty much everything, and your unwillingness the accept any sort of criticism regarding your lack of knowledge. You will struggle to find another job in pharma after you get laid off later this year. Hopefully you didn't burn any bridges at Enterprise when you left. How's that? Am I doing this positive insight thing right?
I submitted my notice this week. Have fun trying to convince Syneos to put you in the next contract.
I held a pharma job 6 months and already took a better job why your stuck bickering on a message board. Sorry you suck at this.