It seems as though the reps that did poorly the first 6 months won't be on a cap or pip for too long, as they got rewarded for not doing well by getting low goals for this year. If you did somewhat or very well, you got rewarded with ridiculous goal numbers.
Looks as if your goal was 20 last year and you had 10 prescriptions, your goal was set at 15. If your goal was 50 and you got 100, your goal is now 300. I understand upping goals, but why so low for the poor producers from launch?
I disagree. I did ok on Pennsaid (over 100%) and really sucked at Exalgo (less than 10%). My goals for both products are third highest in my district and more than that of several members who hit goal in both products. My goals are actually higher than a teammate who hit 300% in Pennsaid and 100% in Exalgo, and our goals were about the same at launch. Doesn't make any sense.