I left willingly due the treatment of good representatives who were held to cookie cutter standards of major metropolitan parts of the country who could have a monkey being a rep there and yielding the same results.
I was in the middle, and knew I could never win here with these phony buckets holding everybody to the same goal… where I, somebody in bumblefuck, USA was held to the same standard as the likes of Miami, parts of Texas, Manhattan, etc….
In the back of my mind I sometimes question if leaving was the right choice, then I see these posts that reaffirm I 100% made the right decision. There are some great people and managers here who have transformed due to the high stress environment here.
God speed to all the good, hard working representatives that were also sold bullshit on #phamily & culture when this place has nothing resembling any of sort. I hope for you and your families sake you all find peace and tranquility in a new venture this year. Take it from me, the grass is MUCH greener.