More sad commentary on an ongoing sad situation. Try not hiring people for their looks, their ability to charm you or that talk on and on and on and come in saying they want to be promoted. Hyper-talkative, hyperactive = nightmare. If they fidget, act like they are on medication or should be, don't hire them. Just because you feel sorry for them, is not a reason the rest of us should have to work with them. You can move them into your house and do what you like, but don't bring their asses here and dump em on us. Let them EARN promotion and certainly, never HAND it to them in the first two years of employment. Please, if someone pisses someone off, take BOTH sides into consideration and actually ask for both sides. If one is clearly an immature bad hire little shit with thin skin, don't take it out on their victims. Just admit it, you hired badly, cuz she or he was just so darn cute and now, you have a child that needs baby sitting and you expect co-workers to do it. NO, no we won't.