Philadelphia and NJ

Is this the same manager that got mad at a rep and punched her car on a field ride and she wouldn't let him back in the car or something like that?

Yes heard she pulled over and made him get out of the car after punching the dashboard and left him on the side of the road. He had to call an Uber to get back to his car. Astellas HR apparently didn't have a problem with this!! Unreal, who knows maybe she sued co for it. I would have if they didn't terminate him after that! And that's probably accurate that IN lives in one of his fat folds! LOL

Yes heard she pulled over and made him get out of the car after punching the dashboard and left him on the side of the road. He had to call an Uber to get back to his car. Astellas HR apparently didn't have a problem with this!! Unreal, who knows maybe she sued co for it. I would have if they didn't terminate him after that! And that's probably accurate that IN lives in one of his fat folds! LOL

WHAT!?!?! How in the HELL did he not get fired for that???? That is shocking. Just think for a minute and imagine the stress that rep must have been feeling to get to the point where she left her manager on the side of the road. Like, she probably wasn't sleeping, living in constant fear....every time she heard his voice she probably cringed. Probably every other person on the team, aswell. Is that the type of "culture" Astellas promotes? Good LORD.

Astellas still has D. B***d working for them. They even gave him a “Major” award. LOL. How many times has he been reported to HR. Astellas does nothing about these train wrecks.

Yes heard she pulled over and made him get out of the car after punching the dashboard and left him on the side of the road. He had to call an Uber to get back to his car. Astellas HR apparently didn't have a problem with this!! Unreal, who knows maybe she sued co for it. I would have if they didn't terminate him after that! And that's probably accurate that IN lives in one of his fat folds! LOL
In HR for another company, but there's not a company I've worked for, let alone pharma, where this would not have been a termination, or at the very least one more strike and you're out. What normally happens is they have to do their due diligence, interview everyone on his team and peers and such to see if there is more going on. Everyone is usually afraid to say anything though. No one believes the anti-retaliation holds true, despite best efforts to convince otherwise. And now he's being investigated again? Something doesn't seem right there...

But that's how Astellas HR operates. I have never seen a company protect management like this one. Even blatantly evil managers are protected and the reps are the scapegoats. Look at the area directors!

In HR for another company, but there's not a company I've worked for, let alone pharma, where this would not have been a termination, or at the very least one more strike and you're out. What normally happens is they have to do their due diligence, interview everyone on his team and peers and such to see if there is more going on. Everyone is usually afraid to say anything though. No one believes the anti-retaliation holds true, despite best efforts to convince otherwise. And now he's being investigated again? Something doesn't seem right there...

Maybe a class action is in order.

I know exactly who you guys are talking about. That manager has nine lives. Each time he blunders Astellas seems to just keep looking the other way. They really shouldn't though as once again they're going to lose good people who just can't stand to take it anymore. He is the definition of an emotional abuser, carrying out verbal aggression, dominant behavior, tearing down people's self esteem, shredding their self worth, making them feel like everything is their fault, public humiliation, playing the reps against each other, denying things he said previously when he's caught up in his own mistakes, etc... He can't see any of this though, classic narcissist. Most likely thinks his team adores him.

But at the same time he's the constant critic, the guy who will get you behind closed doors for plausible deniability so that it will always be a "he said/she said" situation. He crawls into their minds and corrupts their psyche so they feel incompetent. His victims will rarely be believed since he's the manager. Then, in turn the misuse of the performance appraisal system will come into play. Always does. I guarantee you will start seeing his team have compliance issues and other nonsense put on their coaching reports. I would put money on that.

Astellas constantly preaches the word "culture, culture, culture...," but sadly for reps with managers like this, the only culture they know is fear and the sense of betrayal when they speak up, but are ignored by HR. Shame on you Astellas.

100% accurate. I was one of the reps that worked for him. It was a living hell. Literally had panic attacks the days leading up to the 2 day ride alongs. I truly liked Astellas, but had to go elsewhere to get out of the daily torture and be treated like an adult again. If you're under him and reading this, there is life on the other side!

I’m not clear why some of these managers aren’t being looked at more closely and let go, for the protection of the company. If someone sues, it won’t be hard to expose all the problems one person has had with multiple employees.

No doubt! Get ready for Ian to tell you he spent quality time with his family during the shutdown by reading six books and that he gave back to the community by reading during mass. Lol! What a goofy girl Mr. Goody Two Shoes! Ian, if you have to tell everybody about your community service you did it just for yourself. Warped perception
On point conceptually and apropos to the individual referenced... he is a flake.

I hear that your DM is going to be replaced by the company with a minority , , not because they are the best candidate, but for diversity purposes. And to appease the rabble rousers

I hear that your DM is going to be replaced by the company with a minority , , not because they are the best candidate, but for diversity purposes. And to appease the rabble rousers

Everyone is aware of this. Out of SS control, D&I and HR now make staffing decisions, per PBK direction. My RSM told us that our recruiting firm will be screening resumes for D&I candidates, and be pushing them hard. He fears he will get blackballed by D&I and HR for future personal opportunities if he does not hire a minority candidate for our vacancy.