Pharmaceutical Sales Specialist--HOSP

why az has 4000 reps or even 1500 is beyond me. there is no selling going on at this company with the exception of Brillinta and lets be honest it is not doing well at all. It will be a net loser until maybe early 2014. AZ could do the same sales with half of cvas/ hosp team and 400 primary care and 150 cns. AZs salesforce is a dinosaur with these mature products with the already noted exception. Every year I laugh at the business reviews and wonder what the hell are we talking about. No one is actually making an impact based on the way we are trained not to sell these old products.

CSO's are the future. The Publicis reps, the ones that sell and the sample droppers, are effective even if we don't want to admit it. It's really amazing that we still have the # of reps and field sales that we have today. We they bring in Amylin, look out.

why az has 4000 reps or even 1500 is beyond me. there is no selling going on at this company with the exception of Brillinta and lets be honest it is not doing well at all. It will be a net loser until maybe early 2014. AZ could do the same sales with half of cvas/ hosp team and 400 primary care and 150 cns. AZs salesforce is a dinosaur with these mature products with the already noted exception. Every year I laugh at the business reviews and wonder what the hell are we talking about. No one is actually making an impact based on the way we are trained not to sell these old products.

Compare it to asking a government office to police itself. All of the reps here means that there are layers upon layers of support staff. Managers, HR, benefits people -- all of their job security depends on having all of the reps. Think of it like this: There are plenty of doctors you are supposed to call on but they produce shit. How would you feel if AZ woke up and said, "OK, we're eliminating 50% of the doctors you call on because it isn't productive."

You'd now it was the right thing to do but you'd also know it means you're more likely to get fired now. That's how everyone in management feels all the way up the ladder. It is a good job for all of them, and they all want to maintain.

Compare it to asking a government office to police itself. All of the reps here means that there are layers upon layers of support staff. Managers, HR, benefits people -- all of their job security depends on having all of the reps. Think of it like this: There are plenty of doctors you are supposed to call on but they produce shit. How would you feel if AZ woke up and said, "OK, we're eliminating 50% of the doctors you call on because it isn't productive."

You'd now it was the right thing to do but you'd also know it means you're more likely to get fired now. That's how everyone in management feels all the way up the ladder. It is a good job for all of them, and they all want to maintain.

Very well put. Problem is all those at the top have a different compensation and benefit structure than the worker bees. Just like government. We are their lacky pawns. Feels good doesn't it? We are only here to line their pockets and pay their big pensions.

Very well put. Problem is all those at the top have a different compensation and benefit structure than the worker bees. Just like government. We are their lacky pawns. Feels good doesn't it? We are only here to line their pockets and pay their big pensions.

OF COURSE the answer is to allow free market competition to work in the pharmaceutical arena. Lots of people in power continue to resist that with all of their might, so there is no innovation, no efficiency, and unhappy workers unless you're in a corner office at the top. Just like Russia pre-Gorbachev.

When the market forces are unleashed, we'll have some cures, some bankrupt pharmas and some new ones (in other words, PROGRESS), like in every single other industry.

OF COURSE the answer is to allow free market competition to work in the pharmaceutical arena. Lots of people in power continue to resist that with all of their might, so there is no innovation, no efficiency, and unhappy workers unless you're in a corner office at the top. Just like Russia pre-Gorbachev.

When the market forces are unleashed, we'll have some cures, some bankrupt pharmas and some new ones (in other words, PROGRESS), like in every single other industry.

Keep dreaming. After an Oligarchy comes Anarchy not a happy ending where free enterprise pops back up and the people are all happy and well-off. We are about to get a whole lot worse. Then there will be massive crime waves, anarchy, war, and all the four-horsemen will rule for a number of years, maybe centuries. After everything is wiped out, we get to start again but in what kind of world? It certainly will not or never again offer much of what you see today. It may indeed be more like Russia where there are two gallons of milk and bread for 200 people. There will be no medicine even if we have "national" healthcare. Heck, we are already running out of medicines. So, dream on.

You think this is not the bully approach to management from the top? What a bunch of assholes, and the earlier diversity touchy feely narcissists really caused the crap with diversity shit. Could you be any more fucked up? Can we get some competent honest hard working people in this company? Somebody fire the board or let this company go under..
It starts at the top with the little man syndrome. Little men with tiny cocks who have the power to bully people. That defines leadership at AZ.

You think this is not the bully approach to management from the top? What a bunch of assholes, and the earlier diversity touchy feely narcissists really caused the crap with diversity shit. Could you be any more fucked up? Can we get some competent honest hard working people in this company? Somebody fire the board or let this company go under..

OK diversity. Let's talk about diversity, OK?

Every Rep at AZ is:

A college graduate
Free of any criminal record or driving infractions
A salesperson with a proven track record
Relatively well off

Sounds more like homogenous than diverse. Where, then is the diversity?

Race. The canard about diversity is in fact a racial profiling program. K? Wake up people.

It starts at the top with the little man syndrome. Little men with tiny cocks who have the power to bully people. That defines leadership at AZ.
If you are a white male over 6 foot tall and if you look good in a suit then you will be a target of leadership and they have the minority lesbian HR group of men haters to follow thru with your execution. Just look at who RF and MT surround themselves with to prove my point.