Pharma sales

In, out, in, out, in and now out!! Yes, I see the big "L" on my forehead as I sit here unemployed! Even with being unemployed I work my a%$ off everyday trying to find a new job and working on settling my parents estate and trying to sell the family biz; which by the way I do NOT get paid for!

I would have never thought it would have taken so much work and time!

Looking for a job is a FULL TIME job. And more stressful as any job I've ever had.

Why does any of this bother you? Why do you hang out here like a puppy dog? I don't give a rat's us what you call it - marketing, schmarketing, I make a damn good 5 figure income spending 20 hours a week with people who are friends in a protected territory. I have a 401K; a nice lump sum comimg & great healthcare benefits the rest of my life. It just kills ya doesn't it?
A 5 figure income? How long have you been doing this?

Agree and getting tired (more embarrassed) of family asking "are you working yet"?

Say hell yeah, looking for a job is a full time job.

Then tell them you really don't like being reminded that you're looking for a job. When I was looking, it got to the point that I just didn't answer the question, so they quit asking.

Keeping your spirits up is hard - try volunteering at a soup kitchen 1 day a week. It really helps.

Say hell yeah, looking for a job is a full time job.

Then tell them you really don't like being reminded that you're looking for a job. When I was looking, it got to the point that I just didn't answer the question, so they quit asking.

Keeping your spirits up is hard - try volunteering at a soup kitchen 1 day a week. It really helps.

Or ask them why they haven't found a job for you yet!

Lots of amazing people with unbelievable backgrounds out of work right now.

Or ask them why they haven't found a job for you yet!

Lots of amazing people with unbelievable backgrounds out of work right now.

Damn, I wish I'd thought to say that.....

And yes, SPN, it seems those with the better work ethics and knowledge of how to do a job well -- whether it be sales or administrative -- are out of work. And I don't see it changing either.

Damn, I wish I'd thought to say that.....

And yes, SPN, it seems those with the better work ethics and knowledge of how to do a job well -- whether it be sales or administrative -- are out of work. And I don't see it changing either.

I'm afraid that we could be in for a very rough ride for the next several years. I'm thinking that we could see the unemployment rate climb significantly and the economy deteriorate. If inflation really kicks in things could get ugly people.

We've had it really, really good for a long time. I'm worried that we could be in for a lost decade or even worse.

  • ~T~   Apr 14, 2011 at 09:13: PM
I'm afraid that we could be in for a very rough ride for the next several years. I'm thinking that we could see the unemployment rate climb significantly and the economy deteriorate. If inflation really kicks in things could get ugly people.

We've had it really, really good for a long time. I'm worried that we could be in for a lost decade or even worse.

I hope you're wrong.

Don't take our word for it that it does not require sales, look at your fellow reps suing for overtime.

You are an extension of marketing.

There may have been a time when pharma reps could have credbly called themselves sales reps, but not today.

Hell, with managed care, you have very little control over what physicians write for any more and it will only get worse.

I thinlk this is a fair assssment - we're an extension of marketing. The good paying sales jobs seem to be in devices.

When I started my pharmaceutical ***** career in 1973 (not a typo--I am OLD), my boss stressed that our business cards said "representative" instead of sales to separate us from the perception of sales people as flim flam artists, scammers, liars, cheats, etc. We certainly have come full circle, eh???

I'm not too far behind you WE and my first job did not pay bonus because the company thought it was unethical and would encourage too aggressive of 'selling' instead of consulting.

My degree is in sciences and my family was mortified I moved into a sales position because the perception was sales were the jobs taken by those who barely passed their classes. Now reps are arguing trying to prove they are sales people and I don't get it. I was never a 'sales' person and never wanted to be one!