Pharma Reps are no longer needed

The FDA and lazy doctors are a bigger problem than the relatively few sales reps who misrepresent their products. Limiting scientific exchange from reps who actually studied the published literature and understood the science and "sold" was part of the problem. The industry has gone from having sales reps who could actually help doctors and patients to sales robots who can only say exactly what is already in the product label. The limiting of speech is hurting the practice of medicine, not helping it, and your proposed solution worsens the problem.

you have got to be kidding. Sales tactics don’t belong in ethical human medicine. You know it deep down unless you are clueless. HCPs can self educate. Staff can bring lunches. Generic drugs work and save patients and the system money. Leech trying to defend your blood suck of a job?

Let’s be honest for a second. How many people who have actually promoted pharmaceutical products have not seen either a colleague or a competitor make vastly overreaching statements about their product or a competitor’s product? How many reps have felt pressured by sales management to talk about off label information in order to differentiate your product from your competitors and gain market share?

They can disguise it as trying to "educate the physicians" on the most up to date information so their patients can benefit from the glory that is your product but you know it really has nothing to do with patient care. It is all about driving market share and boosting profits just like every other sales job in the world. The difference is that if the guy selling TV’s is not honest you are not in danger of developing a serious health issue up to and including death.

The bottom line is that is really is no place for “Gamesmanship” in the promotion of Pharmaceutical products but as long as these companies operate on a market share incentive based plan that is just what you are going to get.

YES! Spot on.

Reps are still needed for the moneyhole that is HR and Compliance. No reps; no need for redundant time and money wasters in compliance. You hate us because we make more money and have better lives than you miserable people. Getting in front of doctors and having a discussion that changes their prescribing habits is no easy task. If it was, you'd do it and make more money. You can't so you beat on on the field.

a lot of BS assumptions and attack from you there, sparky. Many Compliance folks think sales reps are either idiots or self-serving unethical vapid idiots. They don’t want your job regardless of the pay. Can’t handle that, can you? Attack away.