Pfizer Sucks!!!!!!!!

Really sucks! The worst company evet! Pfizer doesn't care about quality and people... it's just business. And regarding to Wyeth adquisition: Ha! Seems to be too much for Pfizer.
Very sad.

I agree! And there is nothing wrong with me. My urologist prescribed Phizer estrogen vaginal cream to try and block recurrent drug-resistant ecoli that has infected my urinary tract for years. I'm to insert a pea-sized dosage 4-5 times per week in my vagina.

The small tube cost me $168, not covered by my GEHA (government employees) insurance, because, obviously, it's exhorbitantly expensive. This highway robbery was accompanied by a puny little plastic applicator that does NOT work for the product. In fact, a person with a 80 IQ and a 6th grade education could try it one time and KNOW that the applicator is unsuitable. Now, since there are no doubt plenty of smart scientists at Phizer, I must conclude that they KNOW it's a piece of crap and don't care, and DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT.

What's wrong with it? First of all, the plunger doesn't push all the way to the bottom, wasting 1/2 of my pea-size dosage. Or, wasting 1/2 of $84 of my money EACH MONTH! The other problem is, inside the applicator are tiny little threads to allow one to screw it onto the tube to fill with bigger doses.

Well, the cream is full of wax. Filling the applicator with dishwashing liquid and running it under vigorous hot water will NOT get it clean. Neither will soaking it over night in strong soap, or even for 3 days (yes, I really tried). I tried running a tissue in there. Finally I found a tiny little brush that with much work, I can get this thing clean enough to be satisfied with putting it back in my body. Remember, I'm dealing with a dangerous ecoli!!

I've called Phizer, over and over and over. All I get is some Indian lady telling me the same stuff over and over, and denying that it's the same stuff. She keeps trying to give me a number to get refund, but it's a recording telling me to put the product in a box and ship to an address. Well, if I do that, I have to go right out and buy it again. It's a prescription, I need to use it. Meanwhile, they sent me a letter asking me to fill out some information and send them (i.e. "you help us, but we won't help you"). No name, no phone number, no coupon, no better applicator. The whole attitude at Phizer is, "Your just a stupid consumer. We do our business with insurance companies, doctors and pharmacies".

In fact the PHONE NUMBER on the letter got me a recording telling me to pick one of TWO CHOICES, neither had ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE LETTER I GOT. I just know someone at Phizer sat in a meeting and said, "Do it this way, then we won't ever have to deal with the actual consumer." If you try to call them, I guarantee within 5 minutes you will be banging your head on the wall.

Well I called Medco (insurance company rx admin) and told them how upset I was that they wouldn't pay a dime of this and I can't afford it. They told me to have my doctor prescribe Estrace, which is 1/5 the cost of the Phizer product.

Phizer hates consumers, pushes EXTREMELY POOR QUALITY product at premium price onto already out of control health care burden of the consumer. They are snorting and sneering all the way to the bank with the most arrogant nasty attitude that gives all drug companies a bad reputation.

Report it to the FDA, Atty general/consumer protection agency in your state, your doctor.
Pfizer needs a kick in the head before they "care".

I really don't know what the problem is here. Pfizer is the greatest company I have ever worked for and as far as I am concerned, I would love to work here up until the time I plan to retire. Clearly, some folks on this thread have some serious issues.

Is this a joke? You’ve actually worked for worse companies than Pfizer? Wow. Just wow.

I really don't know what the problem is here. Pfizer is the greatest company I have ever worked for and as far as I am concerned, I would love to work here up until the time I plan to retire. Clearly, some folks on this thread have some serious issues.

You have a serious issue, either moderate dementia, or severe headuptheass syndrome.
You are one of the delusional idiots who thinks Pfizer is going to hire you. Wrong.
To Pfizer, you are an inferior being not worthy of being a janitor with Big Blue.
Pfizer is a house of cards that is always on the verge of collapse until the next acquisition.
Once the contract is over you will be scraped off the bottom of Pfizer’s shoes and discarded.
But, if you keep kissing ass, you might have a shot at being adopted.

Ah, well, don't expect any help from Wall Street. They are all about raping and pillaging good companies for short-term profits and then them go down the tubes. All these mergers over the years, soon there will be one phone company (again) a couple of banks, one drug company, 2 airlines, etc. The products will be poorer than ever in history, with no customer service at all, and exhorbitantly expensive. We are 90% there. You can thank the ROBBERS on Wall Street. Oh, excuse me, "investment bankers"
