Pfizer Sales Rep Job - Work/Life Balance?


Thinking of applying to Pfizer for a sales rep job. So tell me honestly....after working as a Pfizer rep during the day, how much "work" needs to be done at night???? Like programs, paperwork at night?

How many dinner programs a month?

And how much paperwork at home every night? Like business plans, expense reports, etc etc.



Thinking of applying to Pfizer for a sales rep job. So tell me honestly....after working as a Pfizer rep during the day, how much "work" needs to be done at night???? Like programs, paperwork at night?

How many dinner programs a month?

And how much paperwork at home every night? Like business plans, expense reports, etc etc.


How much work did you do to ask the same question three times in one post ?!?!?!

Thinking of applying to Pfizer for a sales rep job. So tell me honestly....after working as a Pfizer rep during the day, how much "work" needs to be done at night???? Like programs, paperwork at night?

How many dinner programs a month?

And how much paperwork at home every night? Like business plans, expense reports, etc etc.


Paperwork and the # of programs depends on your manager and what sales division you are in.

Thinking of applying to Pfizer for a sales rep job. So tell me honestly....after working as a Pfizer rep during the day, how much "work" needs to be done at night???? Like programs, paperwork at night?

How many dinner programs a month?

And how much paperwork at home every night? Like business plans, expense reports, etc etc.


Lazy assholes like you are not wanted. Get a govt job. Cleaning toilets is for you.

It's an honest question from someone who maybe doesn't know the answers.

I would say you can't find a better job anywhere else that combines freedom, income and balance. The biggest challenge is the colleagues with the sticks up their butts that make it much harder than it really is.

Also, the best people work hard and people who want to be the best are the types of people managers want to hire. The question you are asking is the opposite question of people that get hired hence the negative reaction to it. The question successful people here ask is how much more can I earn with more effort and better strategies.

Last post in such a jokester! That really is funny. Whew, ok here is reality: there's no use working your ass off because if your goals were not attainable you'll never hit them and surely won't exceed them which is what you need to win awards. Also, if you don't have decent formulary status for your products same result. Also, if the data reporting is missing a huge chain pharmacy system like Walmart or Walgreens then possibly same sucky result. Management believes in this mythology that says hard working, good reps win awards and if you haven't been winning, then that's not a description of you. Any rep with a small measure of experience and self awareness will tell you that the difference in the way they did the job in their VPC - winning years was no different than the way they did it when they finished in the bottom 10% (It happens all the time.) some territories tend to deliver winners and others tend to make anyone in them look like Dumb and Dumber.

Pharma is great work life balance considering your daily activity...if your that worried about a few evenings a month at most, maybe a couple of overnights a year for meetings then this isn't the job for you..but you'll be hard pressed to find another job requiring this minimal level of effort for the reward..

Pharma is great work life balance considering your daily activity...if your that worried about a few evenings a month at most, maybe a couple of overnights a year for meetings then this isn't the job for you..but you'll be hard pressed to find another job requiring this minimal level of effort for the reward..


Congressman, Senator, ELT at Pfizer or any Fortune 500 company, Lobbyist, First Lady, and POTUS (unless golfing all the time is too hard for you).

Ehh. To compare what WE do with any of those listed is a bit…overstating our value, dontcha think?

No, not really. We provide free lunches, they take them. Most of them get paid for doing squat, so do we. Most pad their expense accounts, use company cars, spread BS to their customers, etc. we are similar in more ways than you think.

Last post in such a jokester! That really is funny. Whew, ok here is reality: there's no use working your ass off because if your goals were not attainable you'll never hit them and surely won't exceed them which is what you need to win awards. Also, if you don't have decent formulary status for your products same result. Also, if the data reporting is missing a huge chain pharmacy system like Walmart or Walgreens then possibly same sucky result. Management believes in this mythology that says hard working, good reps win awards and if you haven't been winning, then that's not a description of you. Any rep with a small measure of experience and self awareness will tell you that the difference in the way they did the job in their VPC - winning years was no different than the way they did it when they finished in the bottom 10% (It happens all the time.) some territories tend to deliver winners and others tend to make anyone in them look like Dumb and Dumber.

Mostly true. Best response. Most VPC winners cannot tell you why they won and virtually none did it with a plan to win.

Mostly true. Best response. Most VPC winners cannot tell you why they won and virtually none did it with a plan to win.

I won my first VPC while going thru a divorce. Worked one day a week at most for nrarly 8 mos due to lawyer meetings, court , kids, a that bitch/ witch ex-wife.etc.
Second one got a big formulary win with a major chain.
Third a formulary win at three of the biggest hospitals in my territory.
Fourth, a formulary win with two local health plans.
Above, did nothing differently than usual.

Years I worked my ass off I did not win and was in top 50%. We have very little control over our successes or failures.

I won my first VPC while going thru a divorce. Worked one day a week at most for nrarly 8 mos due to lawyer meetings, court , kids, a that bitch/ witch ex-wife.etc.
Second one got a big formulary win with a major chain.
Third a formulary win at three of the biggest hospitals in my territory.
Fourth, a formulary win with two local health plans.
Above, did nothing differently than usual.

Years I worked my ass off I did not win and was in top 50%. We have very little control over our successes or failures.

Did you take the wife on your trip?? She didn't fall off the boat during a deep sea fishing trip....did she??? lol

Last post in such a jokester! That really is funny. Whew, ok here is reality: there's no use working your ass off because if your goals were not attainable you'll never hit them and surely won't exceed them which is what you need to win awards. Also, if you don't have decent formulary status for your products same result. Also, if the data reporting is missing a huge chain pharmacy system like Walmart or Walgreens then possibly same sucky result. Management believes in this mythology that says hard working, good reps win awards and if you haven't been winning, then that's not a description of you. Any rep with a small measure of experience and self awareness will tell you that the difference in the way they did the job in their VPC - winning years was no different than the way they did it when they finished in the bottom 10% (It happens all the time.) some territories tend to deliver winners and others tend to make anyone in them look like Dumb and Dumber.

Someone actually gets it!

Winning awards is pure demographics and luck. Maybe in the 70s, but not since the early 90s. We had the number three territory in the nation remain vacant for 11 months and went unfilled for the trip. RDs said " because no sample droves prescribing". BS. The same territories and reps walked across the stage every year I was there. We they great. NOT EVEN CLOSE. Average at best. In a low population state or territory. Forget it.

We had a rep that was #1 in the company for two years running. Awards and huge bonus checks. She was all of 25 and could not pronounce the medication correctly. Her last job was selling TENS. Today, she is working as a cashier for CVS. True.

Winning awards is pure demographics and luck. Maybe in the 70s, but not since the early 90s. We had the number three territory in the nation remain vacant for 11 months and went unfilled for the trip. RDs said " because no sample droves prescribing". BS. The same territories and reps walked across the stage every year I was there. We they great. NOT EVEN CLOSE. Average at best. In a low population state or territory. Forget it.

We had a rep that was #1 in the company for two years running. Awards and huge bonus checks. She was all of 25 and could not pronounce the medication correctly. Her last job was selling TENS. Today, she is working as a cashier for CVS. True.

So she took a step up in her career.