Pfizer reps. told to purchase their own PPE


Pfizer sent us all care packages with reusable masks and sent us a link to order 100 reusable masks per month on amazon.

Throw this one in the “fake news” category along with the increase in company car cost, decrease in mileage reimbursement, wifi no longer being reimbursable, and whatever other dumb crap this idiot keeps making up on the board just to cause dissension

90% of eveything on this site is BS. What is so funny is its often posted by wannabe PFE reps. Or people who for some reason dislike our company! I cant understand nor believe that a person who has left PFE and has a "better" job has so much time and hater energy to get on our board and spread lies... i would say they need to see a therapist so they can move on with their life...

90% of eveything on this site is BS. What is so funny is its often posted by wannabe PFE reps. Or people who for some reason dislike our company! I cant understand nor believe that a person who has left PFE and has a "better" job has so much time and hater energy to get on our board and spread lies... i would say they need to see a therapist so they can move on with their life...

yup. Waiting for the “xeljanz 150 not one offer” guy to chime in. Sorry you got laid off, move on.