Pfizer Guilty of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 4th felonious settlement with U.S.

Re: Pfizer Guilty of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 4th felonious settlement with U.S

It was Wyeth you moron

Pfizer displaced legacy Pfizer blame and found a P.R. scapegoat to save the big blue ship, you moron. The part that did belong to Wyeth was in France and involved Wyeth CEO Poussot, also from France, to the same degree Ian Read settled his cover up for responsibilities for the regions involved as President of those countries.

This whole thing is a sham to cover CEOs illegality and shift the blame to non-descript, phantom others.

Re: Pfizer Guilty of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 4th felonious settlement with U.S

"Corrupt practices" or not, it's hard to believe any large company could get any worthwhile business in Russia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kazakhstan, Serbia, Czech Republic, China or Italy WITHOUT paying someone off.

Russia? Italy? Are you kidding me? You think you're going to just head over and get something big going on without showing "appreciation" in Croatia?!

Does our government want American companies to export and/or be successful or not?!

Re: Pfizer Guilty of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 4th felonious settlement with U.S

"Corrupt practices" or not, it's hard to believe any large company could get any worthwhile business in Russia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kazakhstan, Serbia, Czech Republic, China or Italy WITHOUT paying someone off.

Russia? Italy? Are you kidding me? You think you're going to just head over and get something big going on without showing "appreciation" in Croatia?!

Does our government want American companies to export and/or be successful or not?!

Stop making sense!!! I'd even bet what Wyeth and Pfizer did was legal in each of those countries.

Considering that Obama bowed to the Saudi King who leads the biggest criminal trust syndicate in the world, OPEC, and the US conducts business with that illegal's amazing that the attention is placed on private entities trying to schmooze foreigners to use our life saving drugs for their third world peasants?

Or how Obama and his ATF intentionally illegally sold guns to criminals to get them into Mexican cartel hands which would be used to murder innocents and Americans......just to gain support for his anti-gun agenda, covered it up, retaliated against the whistleblowers, and his AG Holder is in contempt of Congress for his lies and refusal to produce documents?

But hey, trying to get life saving and life improving drugs to caucasian peasants in butt fuck Kazikstan by following what they thought was local custom and legal is the biggest fucking crime of the century! I can totally see that.

Yeah, Pfizer and Wyeth are so fucking evil I can't stand it. Pfizer should be jailed and all of its assets given to Obama on his white horse because he is the saviour and his ends always justifies the means. It all makes such good sense to me now, thanks OP.

Re: Pfizer Guilty of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 4th felonious settlement with U.S

The same moronic Pfizer-bashers who say Pfizer doesn't invent anything but merely buys others' products are oddly silent when it comes to the fact that most of the offenses that have gotten the company fined or hobbled with a CIA were in fact remnants of investigations of those same companies Pfizer acquired. Take the current fine discussed in the OP - Wyeth. Look at the Bextra fine & CIA - Upjohn/Pharmacia. The Neurontin fine? Warner-Lambert (Parke Davis)..

While Pfizer is hardly perfect, it's not the outlaw rogue drug company that the idiots who've weighed in on this thread have tried to portray it as. Companies sometimes step over the line, and the government is always on the lookout for a shakedown target, seeing as how the government can't live w/in its means.

I would venture to guess that most of the posters in this thread are not current Pfizer employees, but rather a loose band of left-wing pharma haters, competitors, and disgruntled former employees. I find it funny that they believe coming on the PFE forum on CP is actually "getting the word out" about big, bad, Pfizer. Morons....

Re: Pfizer Guilty of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 4th felonious settlement with U.S

The same moronic Pfizer-bashers who say Pfizer doesn't invent anything but merely buys others' products are oddly silent when it comes to the fact that most of the offenses that have gotten the company fined or hobbled with a CIA were in fact remnants of investigations of those same companies Pfizer acquired. Take the current fine discussed in the OP - Wyeth. Look at the Bextra fine & CIA - Upjohn/Pharmacia. The Neurontin fine? Warner-Lambert (Parke Davis)..

While Pfizer is hardly perfect, it's not the outlaw rogue drug company that the idiots who've weighed in on this thread have tried to portray it as. Companies sometimes step over the line, and the government is always on the lookout for a shakedown target, seeing as how the government can't live w/in its means.

I would venture to guess that most of the posters in this thread are not current Pfizer employees, but rather a loose band of left-wing pharma haters, competitors, and disgruntled former employees. I find it funny that they believe coming on the PFE forum on CP is actually "getting the word out" about big, bad, Pfizer. Morons....

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. CNN Special Edition on "Too Big to Nail" exposed how Pfizer settles these under obscure legal LLC (like Wyeth, Parke-Davis, Warner Lambert, etc.) entities to provide sever-ability to the Pfizer Inc. LLC.

Also, the left-wing haters you refer to now work in your Pfizer compliance and legal department. Look around you.

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