Pfizer Could Split Off 40% Of Company, Analyst Says

YOu have to stop thinking of this from how you'd do things, You don't know all the facts. Ian does. He sees the numbersfrom each division, he knows we loose 12b in sales by the end of 2012. He knows we lost about a billion with the loss of Aricept. Many of us think Viagra won it's patent dispute, it hasn't.

We borrowed billions to buy Wyeth, King, Phrmacia and all the smaller purchases. We have a huge salesforce, manufacturing expense. R&D expense, and legal defense fund. If we could spin off all the debt and liability leaving only the hugely profitable products behind we will.

It was a huge mistake taking on all this debt and now we need to get rid of it, and so we shall. Also, if we currently operate at a 19% blended profit margin with our current headcount. And we loose Aricept, Lipitor, and Viagra without cutting headcount, how do we maintain or grow p. magin? We do it by slashing people, slashing low margin products, manu. facilities, and current and future liabilities.

Don't be obtuse, this leadership team is bright and ruthless. We will change drastically.

OK wonderboy..please name three pfizer R&D products...caduet doesn't count. J&J is still making millions off our consumer healthcare that will NEVER loose their brand name. Listerine and Barbersol will retain their Copy right names for ever, though there will be copycats.

Would you put ALL of your money into the "new Pfizer" or do you think there is risk there and it is better to have broader base?

You may want to risk it all..and then go for..if you are right, you will be rich and good for you.

I on the other hand, am more risk adverse, though my ROI maybe less, I am less likely to suffer a catastrophic loss. I will only say..torceptrabid.. was going to be an incredible drug. Analysts predicted a possible $2 billion first year of sales...the a little pesky issue developed and it was shelved and Pfizer titanic hit the iceberg...time is ticking..Ian knows it and is trying to save the ship.

A few years from know we will see what happens..I will jump on the lifeboat, divest and live a humble life. You will ride the will either stay afloat and you will be wealthy, or the ship will sink along with your wealth.

Your decision

YOu have to stop thinking of this from how you'd do things, You don't know all the facts. Ian does. He sees the numbersfrom each division, he knows we loose 12b in sales by the end of 2012. He knows we lost about a billion with the loss of Aricept. Many of us think Viagra won it's patent dispute, it hasn't.

We borrowed billions to buy Wyeth, King, Phrmacia and all the smaller purchases. We have a huge salesforce, manufacturing expense. R&D expense, and legal defense fund. If we could spin off all the debt and liability leaving only the hugely profitable products behind we will.

It was a huge mistake taking on all this debt and now we need to get rid of it, and so we shall. Also, if we currently operate at a 19% blended profit margin with our current headcount. And we loose Aricept, Lipitor, and Viagra without cutting headcount, how do we maintain or grow p. magin? We do it by slashing people, slashing low margin products, manu. facilities, and current and future liabilities.

Don't be obtuse, this leadership team is bright and ruthless. We will change drastically.

Yes, no, yes, no, yes, no. That is the level of decision making that comes out of the leadership "not bright and ruthless", but "dumb and dumber". This company has been highjacked by you stupid fucking harvard educated idiots. A kindergardener could make these back and forth decisions. It does confirm one thing----the folks running this company have no CLUE as to what they are doing. Overpaid morons. One thing is for sure, we will all be out of a job before they're finished. Total losers.

OK wonderboy..please name three pfizer R&D products...caduet doesn't count. J&J is still making millions off our consumer healthcare that will NEVER loose their brand name. Listerine and Barbersol will retain their Copy right names for ever, though there will be copycats.

Would you put ALL of your money into the "new Pfizer" or do you think there is risk there and it is better to have broader base?

You may want to risk it all..and then go for..if you are right, you will be rich and good for you.

I on the other hand, am more risk adverse, though my ROI maybe less, I am less likely to suffer a catastrophic loss. I will only say..torceptrabid.. was going to be an incredible drug. Analysts predicted a possible $2 billion first year of sales...the a little pesky issue developed and it was shelved and Pfizer titanic hit the iceberg...time is ticking..Ian knows it and is trying to save the ship.

A few years from know we will see what happens..I will jump on the lifeboat, divest and live a humble life. You will ride the will either stay afloat and you will be wealthy, or the ship will sink along with your wealth.

Your decision

WTF are you talking about? Go back and re-read my post. Slower this time so you understand. Not sure where you got the investing in new pfizer crap.

I stated my opinion on why the 40% idea was being floated.

WTF are you talking about? Go back and re-read my post. Slower this time so you understand. Not sure where you got the investing in new pfizer crap.

I stated my opinion on why the 40% idea was being floated.

First, it is not your opinion why the 40% idea was being floated, because it was discussed as a definitive fact on a recent conference call to investers by the Pfizer CEO. Pfizer is for sure going to divest itself of 40% of its assets. So that would make it no ones opinion after the fact. If you bother to read what the investors are saying as to why Pfizer is going to do this, it is to hide their debt around the spin off of the 5 divisions they are looking to divest, 1. established products, 2. animal health, 3. nutrition, 4. consumer health, 5. capsugal. Also, these division bring in lower profit margins than the Rx business, so Pfizer will look more profitable to investers. Basically, Pfizer is working itself into a specialty pharma company, as many of its primary care products are loosing patent, and no R&D is being done around primary care. So, basically there will be consistant downsizing until Pfizer becomes this new vision of a leaner company. Now, what I want someone to explain is this----What happened to the famous Pfizer solid plan over the past ten years buying up other companies to become bigger is better? This was the plan of plans from your buddies Mckinnel and Kindler. Is this a symptom of the fact that Pfizer is nothing but a du__, f____up company run by d____, f___up overpaid losers. It only explains that this company has no real direction or clue on how to survive.

Cool! When does legacy get its Wyeth company back?

No kidding, all Pfizer did was F&%$## up a good thing. Think of the thousands of people who have lost jobs due to Pfizer's greed over the years. How many more excellent drugs would have been produced if all of the former company's R&D departments were still intact?

Oops! Did Pfizer actually spend $68 billion to get bigger? Oh, let's just sell off the company now. With a little smoke and mirror accounting we can sell value creation to investors (I guess).

They bought Wyeth to get around a tax loophole and bring foreign profits into the US tax free. It was actually ingenious.

If they sell off the assets then can write off their debt against them. Another brilliant move.

Obviously this does not take into account how it affects thousands of lives. But life goes on. Are there any original Dow Jones companies left? We just adapt to the banksters and the corrupt politicians' world.

Wrong douchebag>>>>the generic biz does have sales reps, cars, and benefits. Don't even know what is going on in your own company. What a dipshit. Your exactly what is wrong with Pfizer. And another analyst said that divesting of the generics biz is risky, although the profit margins are relatively low, it is an established business, and the direction that other pharmas are taking---a safety net.

I love reading how douchebags like you respond to seemingly fake posts. Thanks for the chuckle.

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