Pfe is DEAD w J&J vaccine- 1 shot & no freezing


Looks like Albert, Ian, Steere, Sussman all execs knew what they were doing selling up to 75% of their stock after 90% study results released but before approval at 42-43 (per SEC filing)
J&J vaccine is 1 Shot, no freezing, 2x longer shelve life & is 1 shot lifetime.

The company is hurting badly as 18 of last 22 yrs has been worse DOW stock & will be removed from DOW index.

Zero pipeline in most divisions, bonehead M&A that hasnt paid off except for Med buyout w oncology.
In 5 years Pfizer will break up & sell off each division, likely just becoming a stand alone bio-pharma Oncology co
Vaccine, I&I all others will sell off as the sum of the parts are worth more than the total under 1 company. (Look at what Zeotis has down since that spin off, and even recent spinoff divisions to Maylan)
5 yrs is wishful w Dems in control so likely will be closer to 3yrs


Not a Pfizer rep so I gave no skin in the game. J&J’s vaccines and AZ’s will work great for the third world. I’m not taking either. I’ll stick to Moderna or Pfizer.

It’s hard to argue with 95% efficacy. Freeze dried version will be out in a year. Plus, a bird in the hand... J&J may or may not be all that effective with 1 shot. Those are the cold had facts.

No way I'm clicking that shit. Try harder HR, not getting my IP address that easy.

Here’s the content dumbass:


Today, I had my second shot of the Pfizer vaccine and suffered an unexpected and unreported side effect. That’s the problem with a new medical treatment; you never know what might happen.


Just a few seconds after the needle penetrated my arm, I felt a mild soreness, kind of like a flu shot. But as I sat for the required 15 minutes of observation time, a wave of something engulfed my body. It was such a strange, unfamiliar sensation that I didn’t realize what was happening. I looked around the room at the other medical personnel getting their shots, and no one seemed to pay me any attention. I wasn’t changing color, short of breath, or breaking out into a sweat. I did harbor reservations about the safety of this new vaccine that seemed rushed to market. Was I about to become a statistic in the next FDA safety bulletin?


It seemed like forever, but finally, I divined what was happening to me. I felt different inside. A fundamental change had occurred deep within my body. I sensed that others in the room experienced a similar feeling. I struggled to recall the name of the emotion. It had been so long.

It was happiness.

In fact, I was more than happy. I was joyful, almost euphoric. Today and every day would now be different. Anxiety would no longer shroud my being from morning until night. It was 2021, a new year, a beginning of a world without masks, face shields, gobs of sanitizer, and social distancing.

Immunity is a superpower

As I drove home, a giant smile erupted on my face and almost dislodged my mask. Unless I became an asymptomatic carrier, I would no longer pose a deadly threat to my family when I returned home from work each day. There was a 95 percent chance I had become invulnerable to this freak of nature. I now contributed to herd immunity. My vaccination would help protect everyone in the world who could not get vaccinated, even those who refused the potentially life-saving vaccine. For the first time, I could imagine a world without COVID-19.

Know thy enemy

Perhaps it’s fitting that the best advice to winning this interspecies war came from the ancient Chinese general Sun Tzu, “Know thy enemy.” Scientists quickly mapped the genome of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, all 29,903 nucleotides. We know its guts. This knowledge led to vaccine development in record time. Effective treatments will hopefully follow. We have a fighting chance.


I’m confident that 2021 is going to be the best year ever. Do you want to help change the world? Just fall in line and roll up your sleeve. I can’t promise you euphoria, but I’ll be surprised if you don’t smile just a little bit more.

No way I'm clicking that shit. Try harder HR, not getting my IP address that easy.

Paranoid child, you don't work during the day but worry about being found on CP at 11pm ET. I know exactly who you are. A common corporate thief. A fraudulent rep or fraudulent sales manager out there not working a full day's work. What's new? As, you rationalize it away.

So, if you were my son or daughter,
"Just work a full day times 5 each week child and then you can spend time on CP without getting paranoid. But you won't, you can't. I love you child. But, don't come crying to me if you lose your allowance. Yes, you can go to Starbucks at 2pm tomorrow and call it a day." I never said I was a good dad, just trying.

This is why Albert told 60% of stock at 42 and Sally Sussman sold 70% of her stock 42 w other selling half of holdings weeks before vaccine approval
Also Pfe Chief Scientist says vaccine might ir might not work on UK strain but likely will NOT work on South America & South Africa strain.
Was a 1 time financial 1.5 Billion hit & buy buy now

Paranoid child, you don't work during the day but worry about being found on CP at 11pm ET. I know exactly who you are. A common corporate thief. A fraudulent rep or fraudulent sales manager out there not working a full day's work. What's new? As, you rationalize it away.

So, if you were my son or daughter,
"Just work a full day times 5 each week child and then you can spend time on CP without getting paranoid. But you won't, you can't. I love you child. But, don't come crying to me if you lose your allowance. Yes, you can go to Starbucks at 2pm tomorrow and call it a day." I never said I was a good dad, just trying.

take your meds

This is why Albert told 60% of stock at 42 and Sally Sussman sold 70% of her stock 42 w other selling half of holdings weeks before vaccine approval
Also Pfe Chief Scientist says vaccine might ir might not work on UK strain but likely will NOT work on South America & South Africa strain.
Was a 1 time financial 1.5 Billion hit & buy buy now
Thats why stock is down to 34.
They were brilliant even though unethical in selling at 42 knowing the lack of runwsy w the vaccine vs competitors and knowing Xeljanz caused strokes and MIs.
Smart financial move dumping most of their stock.

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