Peter Kim compensation

MRL is actually in pretty good shape under Peter Kim's leadership. There are compounds in the pipeline, excellent researchers and strong leadership. There have been a few setbacks lately, but nothing to worry about. The company will be on its feet soon.

So what are you smoking???? YOU really think MRL is in good shape? What does MRL have to show for itself? Absolutely nothing-no real products in the pipeline-what you had was rejected by the FDA-remember this time last year?? A few set backs lately translates into the fact that MRL has no back up to the rejections by the FDA. You really think that Cat-K is MRL's savior? There is no evidence of strang leadership. You need to back your statements with hard facts. Peter Kim has all the resposibility and accountabilty but no results to show.

MRL is actually in pretty good shape under Peter Kim's leadership. There are compounds in the pipeline, excellent researchers and strong leadership. There have been a few setbacks lately, but nothing to worry about. The company will be on its feet soon.

You dipshit-provide some evidence of the 'excellent pipeline' and PK's and DC's 'strong leadership'-obviously your brain is in a fog to realize that a 'few set backs' has caused a losst of billions of $$-how can a company with idiots at the helm be back on its feet soon? Get real and stop sucking up to mangement

Peter Kim is the worst research head Merck ever had. No wonder the pipeline is loaded with craps with the help of Kathleen Metters. Way to go, Peter and Kathleen, the King and Queen of MRL!

"Merck said it is delaying the filing of the U.S. application for telcagepant (MK-0974), one of the company's investigational calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor antagonists for the treatment of acute migraine. The company said it no longer expects to file a new drug application with the FDA in 2009, and will provide an updated timeline once additional information is available."

Failed leadership again and again. Bet how much his compensation will be for 2009?

I remember when pete came to merck he stated that he wasn't there to "discover the next anti-histamine" Bet he wishes he had one now.
Bye the Bye: Singulair sales down 4% due in part to sales of otc zertec.
How many more bad decisions,bad management,bad luck and just plain bad karma can merck survive? How much longer must this company tolerate pete kim, dick clark, et al?

I bet a dollar that he will be replaced when they reorganize Merck/SP research after the merger.

You better withdraw that offer, as PK is already interviewing senior people at Schering re positions with the newly merged company. They would not have him conducting these interviews without already deciding that he is going to remain in charge.

I doubt he will be in charge. He is just doing his job for now. Too obvious if they do not let him do it. Merck always does things like that until they are ready to terminate his email and let the security see him off.

You better withdraw that offer, as PK is already interviewing senior people at Schering re positions with the newly merged company. They would not have him conducting these interviews without already deciding that he is going to remain in charge.

If this is the case, I am sure that the SEC will be speaking with Peter Kim. This would be against the law until the merger is finalized.
Mr. Kim may be going to jail.

Peter Kim is much nicer than Ed Scolnik but is no match to Ed at delivering FDA approvable compounds. Time to go, Kim! You have made enough money for you and your family.

And this latest idea of organizing research into isolated pockets (aka silos) will create additional bedlam and a lack of productivity. These guys never really change anything, just reshuffle the deck chairs and then blame the guys in the engine room for sinking the ship.

This guy and Kathleen Metters are complete idiots. They restructured MRL to have multiple franchises at each site to be in line with the one Merck concept, only reverse it back two or three years later. This time, worse, they moved franchises to sites with no expertise at all, for example, infectious diseases to Merck Frosst and inflammation to Boston. What a waste!