Pet action plus

Hmmm...if the American Pharmacist Association can make a declaration stating it "discourages pharmacist participation in executions on the basis that such activities are fundamentally contrary to the role of pharmacists as providers of health care."
They can also make a declaration that discourages pharmacist participation in the sale of veterinary prescription only drugs intended for the veterinarian patient. They can respect another medical health professional's 30-45% of income that comes directly from those sales within their practice, not to mention the income of an animal health pharmaceutical sales rep.

Yeah. Too bad every big box/ chainstore giants that owns 90% of pharmacies could give a shit and will "discourage" the employment of any of their pharmacists who even think about getting on board with that idea. Besides the APA doesn't have the balls..

Perhaps after all of the baby boomers die off in the next 20 years Medicare E (veterinary-prescription only products) will be available to increase profits and maximize shareholder values for these giants. We'll call it the Medicare Advantage Plan Plus.

Hmmm...if the American Pharmacist Association can make a declaration stating it "discourages pharmacist participation in executions on the basis that such activities are fundamentally contrary to the role of pharmacists as providers of health care."
They can also make a declaration that discourages pharmacist participation in the sale of veterinary prescription only drugs intended for the veterinarian patient. They can respect another medical health professional's 30-45% of income that comes directly from those sales within their practice, not to mention the income of an animal health pharmaceutical sales rep.

Probably not a large margin for profit since there have only been roughly 270 executions by lethal injection in the past 6 years........

Yeah. Too bad every big box/ chainstore giants that owns 90% of pharmacies could give a shit and will "discourage" the employment of any of their pharmacists who even think about getting on board with that idea. Besides the APA doesn't have the balls..

Today's riddle...........
What's the difference between contact lenses and heartworm prevention?

A: An Oath

The way I look at it. The AVMA cowered to the NABP, the APA cowered to Big Box Stores, Big Pharma, and your corporations cowered right along with them. It’s still your industry too….unless every Pharmacist in the world has taken the new oath within the past 6 months.

My clinic lost easily 26k net profit to diverted online veterinary prescription only medications endorsed by the NABP, BBB, and whoever else last year. Curious about your other clinics…

PetMeds Annual Report
PetMeds 44% profit off of veterinary prescription drugs dispensed by human pharmacists.
Total net income…18 million….
They have 190 employees as of 2014.

How many sales reps are there in the entire Animal Health Industry?
My opinion….veterinarians are too busy dealing with patients, too tired, and too poor to congregate… you’re next on the chopping block…….it's still your industry too....for now....

The way I look at it. The AVMA cowered to the NABP, the APA cowered to Big Box Stores, Big Pharma, and your corporations cowered right along with them. It’s still your industry too….unless every Pharmacist in the world has taken the new oath within the past 6 months.

My clinic lost easily 26k net profit to diverted online veterinary prescription only medications endorsed by the NABP, BBB, and whoever else last year. Curious about your other clinics…

PetMeds Annual Report
PetMeds 44% profit off of veterinary prescription drugs dispensed by human pharmacists.
Total net income…18 million….
They have 190 employees as of 2014.

How many sales reps are there in the entire Animal Health Industry?
My opinion….veterinarians are too busy dealing with patients, too tired, and too poor to congregate… you’re next on the chopping block…….it's still your industry too....for now....

Practice medicine and quit worrying what you are loosing to the online stores! Vets are heading in the direction of the MDs. In the very near future you will sell nothing an script everything.

Practice medicine and quit worrying what you are loosing to the online stores! Vets are heading in the direction of the MDs. In the very near future you will sell nothing an script everything.

Get your own online store ! Promote it to your clients let em know they can buy online & still throw you a piece of the pie rather than giving it to PetMeds. Your vendors Schein,MWI, Midwest, etc etc can all supply one for you. Best part is you can still support your vendors doing it that way. Not stocking a gazillion products yourself is a great thing too.

Practice medicine and quit worrying what you are loosing to the online stores! Vets are heading in the direction of the MDs. In the very near future you will sell nothing an script everything.

If a vet blames the "online stores" for their failure to grow, then they need some guidance. Be a real doctor!

If a vet blames the "online stores" for their failure to grow, then they need some guidance. Be a real doctor!

A vet clinic doesn't blame an online store...they don't have time nor do they understand. A vet clinic does not try after years of telling their clients veterinary prescription only products are diverted and could be unsafe because BIG PHARMA and now the NABP places their approval with a Vet Vipps Widget telling the consumers that diverted products are not only safe, but along with a commercial saying veterinary prescription drugs are 50% cheaper than the vet. They in turn lie to the consumer that they are cheaper outside of a veterinary practice.

The veterinarian practice gives up. They allow themselves to be manipulated and you (the humans of your industry with families to support) and your competitors jobs as sales reps to dwindle're fucked. Why not?? A real doctor, a veterinarian prescribes human and animal only medications available within and outside of their practice because it's the right thing to do for their patients. However, what's REALLY cheaper for their clients are the 4-10 dollar human medications they should be scripting while the assholes of Fosters and Smith (now Petco), Petmeds, California Pet Pharmacy and whoever else are telling the world that veterinarians are ripping the world off with your products.

2012 FTC meeting...Bull fucking shit, excuse my american...there was a lot of talk about the veterinarian ethics/oath and the consumer but ZERO about the pharmacists. Human Optometrists for one vital human organ for fucking contacts never needed even 3/4 of the staff a small business veterinarian needs to look at their entire non-human patient.

My practice is the least of my concern...the growth of my industry and those in it is very much my concern and should be yours.

Perhaps after all of the baby boomers die off in the next 20 years Medicare E (veterinary-prescription only products) will be available to increase profits and maximize shareholder values for these giants. We'll call it the Medicare Advantage Plan Plus.

Forget it..Covered CA just "screwed" Big Pharma Corporations....they need all the small business veterinarian/animal health sales reps cash flow they can get. A less than 1% increase to the consumer's insurance plan is more than enough to convince the public Big Pharma/Big Box corporations need veterinary prescription drugs for their survival.

Mylong haired dachsund, who I don't give Trifexis to or apply Revolution on due to a history of seizures, now, after a week of having the Pet Action plus on her has a weeping sore at the site of application that is increasing in size has an appointment with the vet today. She has also been increasingly thirsty and needing to go outside more often to relieve herself. As we just lost our 14 year old chihuahua Sunday to what appeared to be renal failure (she did not have petaction plus on her though she was in shared beddings with the dachsund), we are now terrified that we could lose another of our dear little dogs.

Please do not rush to use this product, the facts are not all in!

Mylong haired dachsund, who I don't give Trifexis to or apply Revolution on due to a history of seizures, now, after a week of having the Pet Action plus on her has a weeping sore at the site of application that is increasing in size has an appointment with the vet today. She has also been increasingly thirsty and needing to go outside more often to relieve herself. As we just lost our 14 year old chihuahua Sunday to what appeared to be renal failure (she did not have petaction plus on her though she was in shared beddings with the dachsund), we are now terrified that we could lose another of our dear little dogs.

Please do not rush to use this product, the facts are not all in!

OMFG. Surprise

Hmmm...if the American Pharmacist Association can make a declaration stating it "discourages pharmacist participation in executions on the basis that such activities are fundamentally contrary to the role of pharmacists as providers of health care."
They can also make a declaration that discourages pharmacist participation in the sale of veterinary prescription only drugs intended for the veterinarian patient. They can respect another medical health professional's 30-45% of income that comes directly from those sales within their practice, not to mention the income of an animal health pharmaceutical sales rep.

Hmm...there's also AACP, AAPS, ASHP......
It's not like there's only one Pharmacist Assocation in the U.S.
Their Associations are all members of the FIP....

I know...I know.. maybe I'm just waiting to see what kind of code of ethics/oath the WSAVA comes out with for the world of small animal veterinarians.............
Their American Association members.....ACVD, AVMA, NAVC.....

Hmm...there's also AACP, AAPS, ASHP......
It's not like there's only one Pharmacist Assocation in the U.S.
Their Associations are all members of the FIP....

I know...I know.. maybe I'm just waiting to see what kind of code of ethics/oath the WSAVA comes out with for the world of small animal veterinarians.............
Their American Association members.....ACVD, AVMA, NAVC.....

Who do you think the ACVP will choose? both? Just wondering.....

Practice medicine and quit worrying what you are loosing to the online stores! Vets are heading in the direction of the MDs. In the very near future you will sell nothing an script everything.

Script everything? MDs??
Let’s travel to the UK and script everything...
Veterinary average pay $54,600
Veterinary nurse average pay $17,200
Average pay in UK $40,800
Pet insurance 85% dogs, 75% of cats not insured…

Insurance in UK
Large breed dog $77-290/month
Cats- $55-$74/month

For the “veterinarian” to insurance w/additional technology even medications:
Do prices increase or decrease to their clients that have patients, maybe 2-3 without insurance as well?
How dramatic is the increase over time?
Insurance company: the more the “payout” the more coverage? Less coverage? Or increase $ to “consumer”?

For the “consumer”- do insurance rates increase or decrease over time? Hmmmm..
In an optional sector of “the industry”……..what happens to the patient?
Their coverage or lack thereof?
Do they even get seen at all? $$$$$

Is the “consumer” really willing to …over time… go bankrupt over an “animal’s”…. a piece of “property’s” medical bills like some “have to” for their own?
The veterinarian “cares” about the patient by scripting THEIR patient’s medications out, charging more for services, and promoting pet insurance for $350-700 dollars a year coverage PER PET for accidental purposes?

Preventative care??? Be a doctor? How?

The “doctors of medications” care about the veterinarian patient/practice medicine of a veterinarian? The advancement of animal health?
Do veterinarians?

As of right now the average pay in US
Veterinarian- $50-107k Roughly $73k annually…
RVT…$20-$40k Roughly $30k annually…
Average pay in US $44k

In the US…..93% of pets not insured…..add 8% like the UK and it “benefits the US industry, AND their patients?”

¼ net income- veterinary pharmaceuticals taken away from veterinary practice

Basic Algebra post Hippocratic fycking mess:

Average pay for US veterinarian 55k
Average pay for US RVT- 22k
Sounds about right….

Is the goal to make more money and see less patients, see more patients and make more money, or see more patients and make less money, see less patients and make less money? What about the staff and their families working within the industry?
Advance medicine, patient care, the economy in and outside of a practice, a combination of a couple?

Just who are the experts???
I’m so fycking confused by now on oaths, doing the right thing for patients, and the economy I can’t even see straight………curious as to why…….
Oh……teamwork….my bad…we’re not a team to build each other up.....this is The Animal Health Industry trying, and failing miserably to convert to Humanism………as the patients are not humans, but property…. A car an 85% insurance success rate….why?
Because you mother fycking have to, it’s the law.

Please let one of your friends spying on VIN know too as I am not a vet nor a sales rep soliciting them on their network…….If they had an anonymous board, I wouldn’t have harassed this one in the first place.

And if SOMEONE can explain WTF happened to VetMed to me I'd appreciate it.
How the hell did it get here? To this?
I'd ask them....but they're too busy seeing patients...