Performance review appeal


Is there anyone out there who was successful with their appeal?
I would just like to know if there is ever an instance where it can happen or if what I think they just listen to your appeal to make everyone think there could be a chance.

HRBP outside of your BU decide your case along with your MD
What a jOke. Can never imagine finding in favor of the rep cause then it makes their managers look bad and Novartis wouldn't want to do that


Is there anyone out there who was successful with their appeal?
I would just like to know if there is ever an instance where it can happen or if what I think they just listen to your appeal to make everyone think there could be a chance.

HRBP outside of your BU decide your case along with your MD
What a jOke. Can never imagine finding in favor of the rep cause then it makes their managers look bad and Novartis wouldn't want to do that

I know - it's pretty self serving - can you imagine an RD telling his manager they're going to side with the Rep? Not every likely.

Is there anyone out there who was successful with their appeal?
I would just like to know if there is ever an instance where it can happen or if what I think they just listen to your appeal to make everyone think there could be a chance.

HRBP outside of your BU decide your case along with your MD
What a jOke. Can never imagine finding in favor of the rep cause then it makes their managers look bad and Novartis wouldn't want to do that

You are incorrect.

In over a decade with this company, know only one person who was ever successful with their appeal. Director wanted to get rid of a DM (old term, I know). Teammate appealed his 2.1, documented everything and sent off through HR. Actually got his 2.2 and DM got the boot. Sort of suspect it was a set-up to get rid of the DM, but there you have it. Only one person in 10+ years.

In over a decade with this company, know only one person who was ever successful with their appeal. Director wanted to get rid of a DM (old term, I know). Teammate appealed his 2.1, documented everything and sent off through HR. Actually got his 2.2 and DM got the boot. Sort of suspect it was a set-up to get rid of the DM, but there you have it. Only one person in 10+ years.

That is one more than I know of and I have been around for 25+ years.

Even if you appeal, decisions are already made. Time to move on. Things will not be the same even if you make it here.

Things won't be the same for anyone regardless of whether you get a 1 or a 3.
Do you think this will ever be the company it once was....never.

As far as an appeal, I agree what do you have to lose but it stinks that an MD makes final decision.

HRBP are so worthless. Where do they get these people?
I spoke to one the other day and she acted like she didn't even want to be there.

This company needs to get their act together. More law suits will occur with every year as they keep getting it wrong.

Wouldn't it be nice if an MD had the balls to stand up and say "I agree with this rep and the appeal is granted". Won't happen now especially cause the ones who won't be MD's anymore are scrounging around trying to get jobs within Novartis and they wouldn't want to piss in anyones drink.

successful appeals are happening where it makes sense.

Are you serious. I get it ...joke correct.

Unless someone has some hard documentation against their manager, its not going to happen. Think about it. A rep spends alot of time creating their appeal, some HRBP not in their BU looks it over and interviews them, makes a few notes , then turns it over to the MD. If they cared about it, then would spend more than 15 minutes talking to the rep.

I just did it ---- changed from 2.1 to 2.2. I invited my managers and department HR to sit together to hear my appeal. In the mean time, an HR in a neutral position did her own research based on my appeal. It took two weeks. Part of my success could be due to I am being laid off from the company.

Is there anyone out there who was successful with their appeal?
I would just like to know if there is ever an instance where it can happen or if what I think they just listen to your appeal to make everyone think there could be a chance.

HRBP outside of your BU decide your case along with your MD
What a jOke. Can never imagine finding in favor of the rep cause then it makes their managers look bad and Novartis wouldn't want to do that

I just did it ---- changed from 2.1 to 2.2. I invited my managers and department HR to sit together to hear my appeal. In the mean time, an HR in a neutral position did her own research based on my appeal. It took two weeks. Part of my success could be due to I am being laid off from the company.

Curious as to what BU you are in. Seems to me that the only people who hear your appeal are the neutral HRBP and your MD. I would like more details if possible since I am in similar postion .