Yeah-she's not too bright and thinks that I'm her bud.
You reps need to understand that the market specialists are the ones that saved you. We have increased the volume and we are the ones that work so hard. Of course, we are next in line to the managers if not equal. We get paid as well as the managers for a reason.
You know what I like being about being an MS? I work for a dsm that lets me do what ever I want. I never work Fridays. I told him that I will not travel on Fridays. There is only one rep in my town and one close. He's such a chicken shit that he doesn't say anything to me.
You sound like a dsm that may be in trouble. No one would guess who I am. Roche gave the MS team the power. It's not my fault. By the way, I also tell on the reps.
I realize that it's hard for you to hear the truth but I am a MS. I am apart of the group that always saves sales!
You know what I like being about being an MS? I work for a dsm that lets me do what ever I want. I never work Fridays. I told him that I will not travel on Fridays. There is only one rep in my town and one close. He's such a chicken shit that he doesn't say anything to me.
Another funny thing. I don't have to work that hard. I'll do something every other day and my manager knows I'm the hero.
I get the feeling that deep down inside, you hate men. You come off as one angry chick! I bet your DSM thinks you are a nut job and doesn't want to risk the safety of others by asking you to do what a normal MS does. You sound like a security threat. I'd fire you ASAP.
I'm all man honey. Watch you back.
Yeah-she's not too bright and thinks that I'm her bud.
I am a market specialist and MS hates us! Weren't you in that meeting? He looked at us like we were a bunch of crybabies and he was pissed. KC and XL and MJ and some of the other shitty MS's ruin it for the rest of us that he does like!
Thanks Tom. How is your new job? We appreciate you weighing in!