Peeps in the running......

You people are so full of shit. They have not hired anyone yet. They have the field narrowed down and are conducting interviews for the next several weeks in multiple cities to narrow it down even further. No offers have gone out and no training is starting. Move on already. I'll let you know how my interview goes once it's over since you obviously are not having one yourself.

I really like the offer I got. I'm thinking about countering to try and get a little more. I'll let you guys know if I can pull more than 100k.

Look forward to seeing everyone at training. No NOH!

I noticed the recruiting firm posted this position again last week, does that mean the candidate in that area dropped out or are they still recruiting for some territories?

Same in my area, are the people passing up on the positions?

I did. I got a job offer but after talking to a couple of my neuro buddies, they convinced me to steer clear of this.. They will never write it and can't think of anyone who will.. I went back to my other position that I never actually quit.. luckily!!!