PCP Reps. Will Lose Urology & OBGYN Script Credit


New bonus structure comes FY13. Many months of hard work with the specialty physicians to lose it all. Specialty Reps. to gain and profit from the work of grey and red teams. Remember how easy they sold us the market share qualifiers? This will be no different.


I have heard this too. This is very effing bothersome. PCP does all the work and speciality take all the glory.

I don't know what planet or area you are from, but the bulk of the PCP reps in the North East are all taking a great ride on the coat tails of the specialty reps. Most PCP reps cannot get past a conversation about shoes or the local sports teams. Look at how pathetic their performance has been in selling Myrbetriq in the PCP market place!!! Vesicare isn't much better either. I would love to see 3/4 of them flounder if they had to earn their keep based on only the PCP marketplace; one can only hope!!

I have heard this too. This is very effing bothersome. PCP does all the work and speciality take all the glory.

Are you fkn kidding me????? I have come across very few PCP reps who could sell shit to a fertilizer company!!! Or water in the desert!!!! Keep livin in your fantasy world pal, why is it that the national PCP uptake of Myrbetriq is less than 2% of the targeted physicians??? Maybe because you guys can't sell shit??? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm!!

I've already sold the fertilizer..... once again PCP is on the short end. I wonder what David Boyd thinks about this change. Oh wait... he could care less about anything but himself, and managing by intimidation and harassment ( all types). Why is he still at Astellas?

Getting credit for a few script will be the least of our problems. Visited the home office last month and the place is crawling with consultants...something is brewing? Bigger changes are on the horizon, just wait!

Post#4 Please, give me a break... In PCP we could clearly make the argument our job is much more difficult!! Were you here when our sales force sold Dosepro?? I could think of many specialty reps that would have never survived selling that drug. Only the strong pcp reps survived that debocle it was a very difficult two years of putting pressure on PCP's and creating a need for something that essentially wasn't needed. We are calling on customers that in most cases think treating OAB is laughable. In your case OAB is almost 85% of what a urologist does, so of course they want to speak with you and use your meds. If the above scenario plays I am not worried about it because I have worked my PCP's hard since day one and have decent share. However, If anything the company should reduce the specialty and red force by 50% and allow all of the remaining to continue calling on urology, as I know of many pcp reps myself included that drive the business in urology offices. Just sayin!

First, lets stop all the "our group is better". We have PCP reps in this company that can't string together 3 coherent sentences(& I'm in PCP). I've never net an HCS like that. I have met a few mgrs in that category.

Second, is this happening 4/1? Have heard it would change for a yr. Assumed they would wait until natl sales mtg. How certain is it that PCP will lose Uro on/gyn credit 4/1? Anyone w/ sense knows there's a shake up in the works but when is the unknown.

Yes this is happening-- that is the reason for the April one day meetings- or hasn't your RSM told you to save the date yet?

You know -- I just don't care anymore. This company and the Sales leadership here at Astellas is so rediculously lame and ignorant -- It is clear to me that are doing nothing more than monthly knee-jerk, panic driven reactions. There is zero sense of security in this company's sales leadership and it makes it so obvious everyone just goes along to go along. If I was a Sales VP, I would start off each week with the most idiotic idea I could think of and see just how many people around me even noticed or called me out on it being a stupid/idiotic idea. And how many just go along. Then fire all those who just go along. This company is full of these yes-woman idiots.

New bonus structure comes FY13. Many months of hard work with the specialty physicians to lose it all. Specialty Reps. to gain and profit from the work of grey and red teams. Remember how easy they sold us the market share qualifiers? This will be no different.

Any in house employees or managers have any insight on this topic? Haven't heard of any one day meetings yet?

I for one, would be fine with this! I am so sick of my jealous and possesive specialty counterparts freaking out because I am building relationships with "THEIR DOCS"! I'm sorry you all have the personality of rocks!

I for one, would be fine with this! I am so sick of my jealous and possesive specialty counterparts freaking out because I am building relationships with "THEIR DOCS"! I'm sorry you all have the personality of rocks!

Sounds like you have it all figured out there Mr Wizard!! How many years have you been a PCP rep? If its more than 5 theres a reason for that; you are not very bright and/or people don't like you!! Get busy talking to a medical assistant about your new shoes or hand bag; the doctor doesn't give a shit and isn't prescribing anything because of you. For you guys out there with a chip on your shoulder, realize that you are a consultants decision away from being a rent a rep again!!

Ok got the new IC. Clear URO & OB/GYN will be fully removed but when?

According to the new plan they won't be removed just weighted differently on the per script payout for PCP sales force in order to encourage/motivate them to grow business in PCP offices. They will still need the accumulated specialty volume to make some $$$

According to the new plan they won't be removed just weighted differently on the per script payout for PCP sales force in order to encourage/motivate them to grow business in PCP offices. They will still need the accumulated specialty volume to make some $$$

Yes, I can read. It's clear they are phasing URO OB/GYN out. This is an obvious first step. Trying to figure out how long before they are gone for good.

This is what happened at JNJ with Levaquin. You guys have JNJ people over there now. People sold Levo and Ditropan XL for UTI's and OAB to Urologists and formed relationships with them. That was taken away when they wanted to focus on upper respiratory illness. Remember when someone in your management team said relationships are important. They are important in an actual sales job. They could care less. Very sad. You really have some winners from JNJ there. Same mentality.

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