Stable yet? worth a returned phone call?

Stable? If you are looking for stability stick with Quest or LCA. Moderate stability would be Bio Reference. Low stability would be Sunrise. No stability in the rest. Go there if you seek experience and/or chance for high pay for a short period. Look what is happening and has happened over and over to small labs. Even the once mighty Bostwick has bowed out of the clinical lab industry. So glad retirement is not too far away. While still fruitful this industry has soured. Can't wait to say, "gone fishin"......Monday-Sunday.

So how's the promiser Ken doing? Never working, late for appointments , blaming others? Anyone who believes him is as dumb as he is. Will never know how he gets away with the stuff he does. Going to H R and protecting his niece? Really? Also where is Jack Ass and buddy Carm? They drove Solstas down big time! Heard with PCLS,. Is this company that desperate?

All I'm sayin is KARMA.....

So how's the promiser Ken doing? Never working, late for appointments , blaming others? Anyone who believes him is as dumb as he is. Will never know how he gets away with the stuff he does. Going to H R and protecting his niece? Really? Also where is Jack Ass and buddy Carm? They drove Solstas down big time! Heard with PCLS,. Is this company that desperate?

All I'm sayin is KARMA.....

Oh, brother...

Another low-information malcontent using the word "karma" when most of you people have a superficial understanding at best about what that term really means.

You people would do far better to focus on owning your performance than your usual pursuit of illogical conspiracy theories.

Typical "99%" mentality that pervades our society as a whole seems to be too deeply rooted in you to give your management team much hope for your long-term success at our great new organization.

Heard the vp of sales is gone by the end of the month.

Oh, brother.

We, the leaders of this great new organization, make all staffing decisions, and we announce these decisions when we deem it to be appropriate.

We neither seek input from the lower orders, nor do we "leak" information to anyone outside appropriate channels.

Since most of what you hear seems to come from other underachieving nobodies, you would do well to keep any nonsense you hear from your cohorts to yourself.

Useless? What, were they supposed to help you in some way? Sounds like you were a bit threatened by them. Most Solstas people took a job with PCLS as a temporary thing...and are happy to be gone.

Get rid of your VP of Sales and bring someone in who has lab sales expereience. The sad thing is that you already have capable people working for you who you refuse to recognize as a better replacement. Make sure you are looking at the people she is threatened by the most. Good luck keeping them for long now that they know what an idiot she is. She exposes her incompetence with every conference call and email she sends out. Talk to your managers in confidence. Don't let her take this company to nothing. YOU ARE IN TROUBLE WITH HER IN HER POSITION!

Car and benefits, yes. The rest... not even close. Reps make nothing, managers make nothing. The recruiter lied about everything.

So very true. PCLS seems to be a reputable lab. If I were a doc, I'd have no problem giving PCLS all of my tox business. However, PCLS treats its reps like garbage. The newly amended comp plan is still a joke. There are many scenarios where you can hit your tox goal & still make no money. Managed care coverage is abysmal. Management is very secretive & cagey about everything. Rumors run rampant. And it seems that no one has your back.

And yes, the recruiters lied.