HOw many cytotechs were laid off from PCA? Obviously I am sure the paps are now being sent to Birmingham. You are right, many account will be lost.
HOw many cytotechs were laid off from PCA? Obviously I am sure the paps are now being sent to Birmingham. You are right, many account will be lost.
Every Cytotech was let go, most on short notice and all with no severence. Cytotechs with over twenty years of experience were kicked to the curb with nothing to show for their loyalty through the hard times.
They were loyal when they went years without a pay raise because they were told the company needed that money to compete. Yet the pathologists still enjoyed their lavish European vacations and high-end sports cars. The Cytotechs were paid 30-50% below market wages but accepted that because they thought they were sacrificing for the greater good.
Customers are being fed a line of bull about PCA and labcorp being some sort of partners. They will soon see the truth after the 6 month milestone mark passes and the PCA pathologists cash out on the sale to labcorp. They absolutely detest being associated with LabCorps inferior service but money makes for strange bed-fellows.
PCA customers who are suffering through LabCorps substandard service and quality out of loyalty to their PCA rep and PCA relationship will be dropped like a maggot infested carcass as soon as the 6 month milestone is passed.
With no severance. That sucks. PCA didn't have an employee handbook that explained their severance policy?
How many cytotechs were employed at PCA? Weren't some offered a chance to go to Birmingham? The cytotech job market is dead so many will have to find a new career.
Don't ever work for a lab owned by pathologists. They will sell out and pocket the money, throwing techs under the bus. The writing is on the wall for independent path labs. They have NO future. The field of cytopathology also has no future.
I know for a fact that at least one now works in Birmingham. So you are saying no one else was offered a position there?
I feel bad for them cause the field is dead and there are NO jobs. Real slimeball of the paths. Hope they enjoy their trips to europe and exhanged students that some have living with them.
YouIt's not the company's responsibility to pay for all that. If they offered some a job and they didn't take, they were stupid. They wont be finding another cytology job in the area. You go where the jobs are in cytology.
It's not the company's responsibility to pay for all that. If they offered some a job and they didn't take, they were stupid. They wont be finding another cytology job in the area. You go where the jobs are in cytology.
They should have n better than own a home and work as a cytotech to begin with. You rent an apartment with a job like that.
Good point though, why move to work for labcorp? LOL. Be better off just learning a new trade and moving on.
Stop whining and just get another job