PCA Southeast Sells Out


It's well known now that our pathologists at PCA Southeast in Columbia, TN, sold out our customers to Labcorp for huge personal paychecks. PCA's loyal lab employees are being hung out to dry. 25 years of loyal service and no severance or notice, just we're done with you! We were all blind-sided.

Pretty raw deal for the PCA customers who are being begged to hang on and use Labcorp. The bait-and-switch job that M, J, A & L are perpetrating will come crumbling down like a house of cards.

Our loyal customers are being lied to and being told that nothing is changing. We got sold to Labcorp. It's all going to change starting this week. They're just trying to hide it from our customers.

It is truly disappointing how we have been treated. Lab employees have gone years without raises and have allowed ourselves to be paid 30-40% less that we would have made with other reference labs or hospital labs. We accepted not getting raises because we were told we had to in order to remain competitive and "we're all in this together". It was us little guys against the world.

It turns out the company was just mismanaged financially and the paths are just cashing out and dumping us. I understand that they have the right to sell out and get their millions from labcorp. Shame on us for being suckers and thinking we were sacrificing for the greater good of the team.

It is really disappointing that loyal, dedicated long-term employees were let go without notice and without any severance. Employees with over 20 years of service are kicked to the curb with nothing. And the paths are getting millions.

Surely our customers will realize that they will be using labcorp come this Friday. PCA as you know it has been closed.

The paths and reps are out begging customers to "stick with us" and "be loyal" because the amount labcorp will pay the paths is partly dependent on how much business gets transitioned. I hear from customers who have called in that they are telling all kinds of lies to get tgem to not change to better labs. Reps telling loyal customers that nothing will change is just plain lies. It is a bait and switch. Everything is going to change.

Their will be big layoffs and a LOT of business will be lost. Creates nice opportunity for labs in the area to get business. Better just move on. The greedy pathologists "got theirs." The days of the independent path lab are OVER. You should have been able to see this coming.

Do J,M,A,L honestly think "nothing is going to change" or are they simply lying to customers?

Folks, things are going to change when you get switched over to labcorp next week. Use common sense people.

It's well known now that our pathologists at PCA Southeast in Columbia, TN, sold out our customers to Labcorp for huge personal paychecks. PCA's loyal lab employees are being hung out to dry. 25 years of loyal service and no severance or notice, just we're done with you! We were all blind-sided.

Pretty raw deal for the PCA customers who are being begged to hang on and use Labcorp. The bait-and-switch job that M, J, A & L are perpetrating will come crumbling down like a house of cards.

Our loyal customers are being lied to and being told that nothing is changing. We got sold to Labcorp. It's all going to change starting this week. They're just trying to hide it from our customers.

I hope the paths are still enjoying their lavish European vacations. Oh yeah, I forgot, they can't afford to pay any severance because the big, bad government cut their reimbursements. It's funny that every other lab is battling through the reimbursement cuts and not crying to their customers about it.

As they date gets closer the PCA reps are definitely feeling the heat. Overpromising is escalating.

And yes, I'm aware of the shifting date and shell games. Every shell game is eventually exposed.

It's coming....

The hammer will fall!!!

Do all PCA clients understand that their AETNA patients will be out-of-network when the work gets shifted to Labcorp Birmingham?

The cytology and molecular will be going to Labcorp within 2 weeks.

What % of PCA business will transition to PCA vs move to a new lab?

What % of PCA business will transition to LCA vs move to a new lab?

The closer the transition date gets the more desperate the PCA reps are getting - and they are ramping up the pressure in customers. They are overplaying the loyalty card and it will bite them in the tail. Plus, they are straight out lying to customers. It's an ugly look.

They are begging for 90 day trials so that must be a sales milestone for the paths to get max payout for selling out their customers.

To answer the question:

25% gone in 1st 30 days
60% gone in 4 months
80% gone in a year

It's well known now that our pathologists at PCA Southeast in Columbia, TN, sold out our customers to Labcorp for huge personal paychecks. PCA's loyal lab employees are being hung out to dry. 25 years of loyal service and no severance or notice, just we're done with you! We were all blind-sided.

Pretty raw deal for the PCA customers who are being begged to hang on and use Labcorp. The bait-and-switch job that M, J, A & L are perpetrating will come crumbling down like a house of cards.

Our loyal customers are being lied to and being told that nothing is changing. We got sold to Labcorp. It's all going to change starting this week. They're just trying to hide it from our customers.

It is also well known that this company has not only been financially mismanaged, but personnel mismanaged as well. A few employees were taken into the fold and told they were something special without anything to back it up. Favoritism and malice at its best.

It is also well known that this company has not only been financially mismanaged, but personnel mismanaged as well. A few employees were taken into the fold and told they were something special without anything to back it up. Favoritism and malice at its best.

This company also can be compared to the saying "Inmates running the asylum".

Watching labcorp try to service PCA clients is like watching a fully loaded freight train rumble down the tracks toward the bridge that is out.

You want to warn someone but it's just too darn entertaining to watch that sucker derail....

Watching labcorp try to service PCA clients is like watching a fully loaded freight train rumble down the tracks toward the bridge that is out.

You want to warn someone but it's just too darn entertaining to watch that sucker derail....

It would be more accurate to say labcorp is doing DISSERVICE to PCA clients. Maybe the biggest DISSERVICE was from the PCA pathologists and reps who begged these offices to "give it a try" based on their relationships.

It would be more accurate to say labcorp is doing DISSERVICE to PCA clients. Maybe the biggest DISSERVICE was from the PCA pathologists and reps who begged these offices to "give it a try" based on their relationships.

PCA pathologists and reps who begged these offices to "give it a try" based on their relationships leveraged their integrity and it is now being shown that they cared only about driving up the sales price Labcorp would pay. PCA pathologists and reps don't give a darn about the clients they've made millions of dollars off of over the years.